
dú zǐ
  • see also 独生子
独子 [dú zǐ]
  • [only son;singleton] 父母唯一的儿子

  1. 彭妮的独子是她的心肝宝贝。

    Penny 's only son was the apple of her eye .

  2. 肯开始对独子的死悲痛不已。

    Ken began to lament the death of his only son

  3. 这个独子娇生惯养被宠坏了。

    The only son had been pampered and spoiled .

  4. 她还在为在地震中死去的独子而伤心。

    She is still grieving for her only child who was killed in the quake .

  5. 他纵容他的独子。

    He indulged his only son .

  6. 由于是独子,那个年轻人免于服兵役。

    Being the only son in the family , the young man was immune from military service .

  7. 作为独子,他是父母的宠儿。

    As an only child he was the idol of his parents .

  8. 汪小菲是俏江南餐饮连锁店ceo张兰的独子,也是高端酒店北京俏江南兰会所的所有者。

    Wang is the son of South Beauty dining chain 's CEO Zhang Lan and the owner of high-end restaurant Lan Club .

  9. Edsel是以福特汽车公司创始亨利福特的独子EdselFord的名字来命名的。

    The Edsel was named for Edsel Ford , the only child of company founder Henry Ford .

  10. 根据无业人员独子保健费业务的需求和VB可视环境的技术特点,系统采用B/S(浏览器/Web服务器/数据库服务器)三层结构模式。

    According to the needs of the unemployed with one child applying for specified healthy subsidies and the technical characteristics of the environment of VB , the system uses B / S ( WAP / web server / database server ) three-tier structure .

  11. 不,你才幸运呢,你是独子

    No , you 're lucky you 're an only child ,

  12. 他是一个已故的化学教授的独子。

    He was the only son of a late professor of chemistry .

  13. 那个寡妇把希寄托在独子身上。

    The widow pinned her hopes on her only son .

  14. 他是有钱人家的独子。

    He 's the only son of really rich folks .

  15. 我是塞缪尔阿祖卡总统的独子。

    I 'm the only son of President Samuel azuka .

  16. 海蒂·格林是一个被宠坏了的独子。

    Hetty Green was a very spoiled , only child .

  17. 立达好像他的情人,他的独子。

    Lida was like his sweetheart , his only son .

  18. 那混蛋杀掉我的独子。

    That scum robbed me of my only son .

  19. 李在镕(照片中身体向外侧倾斜者):独子,三星副董事长。

    Lee Jae-yng ( leaning away ) : Sn and Samsung 's vice-chairman .

  20. 你的兄弟或姊妹会认为他(她)是家里的独子。

    Your brother or sister thinks he or she is an only child .

  21. 我没有兄弟姐妹,我是家里的独子。

    I have brothers or sisters . I 'm the child in my .

  22. 你是家中的独子?

    Are you the single boy in the family ?

  23. “这很说得过去,因为他是个独子。”

    " That is reasonable , since he is an only son . "

  24. 她把我当成她亲生的独子一样。

    And she respects me as her only son .

  25. 吉姆是他父母的独子。

    Jim was an only son of his parents .

  26. 南希:那我应该很高兴是家里的独子吗?

    Nancy : Then I should be glad to be an only child ?

  27. 也许因为我是独子的原因。

    Maybe because I was an only child .

  28. 鳏夫独子两个孙辈

    Widower , one son , two grandkids .

  29. 我的独子,我的小天使

    My only son . My little angel .

  30. 上帝那么爱世人,甚至赐下他的独子。

    For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son .