
dú xínɡ xiá
  • A lone ranger;chivalrous person who acts alone
  1. 他似乎天生就是独行侠,不愿费神多交几个朋友。

    He seemed to be a naturally solitary person , troubling himself about only a few friends .

  2. 我们通常认为病毒是“独行侠”,每个病毒都各自组织感染人体的活动。

    We normally think of viruses as ' lone1 wolves ' , each waging a solo campaign of infection .

  3. 尽管他生涯中随独行侠队夺得过一次NBA总冠军,但他在新泽西有着巨大的影响。

    Although he would eventually win his only NBA title with the Mavericks , he had a larger impact in New Jersey .

  4. 像东契奇这样的年轻球员可以看到他们的欧洲同胞在NBA中取得成功,同时他们也为自己的篮球英雄们欢呼;对于这位独行侠的新秀来说,他的英雄是勒布朗。

    Young players like Doncic can see fellow Europeans succeed in the NBA while oohing and aahing over their basketball heroes , and for the Mavericks rookie , it was LeBron .

  5. 影片《独行侠》(TheLoneRanger)上周末滑落至第五名,票房收入1140万美元,两周来的北美本土总票房达到7110万美元。

    Meanwhile , ' The Lone Ranger ' slipped to fifth place , collecting $ 11.4 million and taking its two-week domestic total to $ 71.1 million .

  6. 虽然没有《独行侠》(TheLoneRanger)这样的大制作灾难,但至少有十几部影片在国内影院表现不如预期,分析师们说,这是由结构性的缺陷所导致。

    There was no big-budget catastrophe like The Lone Ranger , but at least a dozen films underperformed in domestic theaters , suggesting structural weakness , analysts said .

  7. 这个达拉斯独行侠非常出色的新秀前锋说,他发现在NBA得分要比他在欧洲打比赛时更容易,他年轻时曾在欧洲的西甲联赛打球。

    The Dallas Mavericks , sensational rookie forward said that hefinds it easier to score in the NBA than he did while playing in Europe , where he played as a younger teenager in Spains Liga ACB .

  8. 随着第一周的投票落下帷幕,有两名球员在各自分区中处于领先地位,他们分别是达拉斯独行侠队的新星卢卡·东契奇和上赛季MVP扬尼斯·阿德托昆博。

    Following the first week of voting , the two players in the lead in their respective conferences are Dallas Mavericks sensation Luka Doncic , and the reigning MVP Giannis Antetokounmpo .

  9. 作为一名新秀,东契奇各方面表现是最好,作为欧洲最具天赋球员登录NBA,他已经超过达拉斯独行侠的加速球队重建过程的预期,某种程度上因为东契奇已经是球队基石。

    Nobody else compares.He arrived in the NBA as the most hyped European prospect ever , and he has exceeded expectations so far with the Dallas Mavericks , who expedited their rebuilding process in part because Doncic is already a dominant force .

  10. 你和那个独行侠去楼上看看。

    You and the lone ranger go check it out upstairs .

  11. 日前《独行侠》曝光了两张最新的角色海报。

    Two new character posters for The Lone Ranger have been released .

  12. 比赛:2009年3月2日(对阵独行侠)

    Game : March 2 , 2009 ( vs. Mavericks )

  13. 我喜欢认为是因为我是独行侠。

    I like to think it 's because I 'm a lone wolf .

  14. 他们通常是独行侠或领导,他们非常自立和勇敢。

    They tend to be loners or leaders and are self-reliant and daring .

  15. 我是个寂寞的独行侠,行走在孤独的路上。一个人走。

    I 'm just a lonely loner on a lonely road . Alone .

  16. 我不想再做个独行侠了而且我喜欢�

    And not be such a loner.And , uh , I like you .

  17. 即使当个独行侠也并不是那么可怕。

    Even being a loner is not so terrible .

  18. 她是我们的独行侠,我们的王牌。

    She 's our maverick , our wild card .

  19. 达蒙现在不是当独行侠的时候

    Damon , now is not the time to be the lone ranger .

  20. 我是孤单的独行侠,走在孤独的路上。

    Just a lonely loner walking a lonely road .

  21. 你知道,我们已经听到很多关于这位独行侠的事情。

    You know , we 've heard so much about this long wolves .

  22. 我是个独行侠吉尔伯特小姐珍珠港事件

    I 'm a loner.Miss Gilbert ? Pearl Harbor ?

  23. 但它们仍是独行侠,冷漠而高傲。

    But to this day they have remained independent operators , aloof and haughty .

  24. 达拉斯独行侠队在选秀日的交易中获得了东契奇;

    Dallas acquired Doncic in a draft-day trade ;

  25. 你可真是个独行侠。

    You 're a real lone wolf .

  26. 好的领导者不是独行侠。

    Good leaders aren 't lone rangers .

  27. 主演艾米·汉莫,他饰演独行侠,约翰尼·德普饰演他的伙伴唐托。

    The film stars Armie Hammer in the title role and Johnny Depp as his sidekick Tonto .

  28. 独行侠队史单场正负值最高(+45)。

    He had the highest single game plus / minus ( + 45 ) in Mavericks history .

  29. 然而在中国当代文坛,作为独行侠和“鬼才”作家的贾平凹也有“一个自己的世界”&商州。

    According to Welleck 's theory , contemporary Chinese writer Jia Pingwa also has his own unique world-Shangzhou .

  30. 没有任何一位基督徒在他信仰的路上被呼召成为独行侠。

    No Christian has ever been called to go it alone in his or her walk of faith .