
  • 网络Dark Shadow
  1. 时间短暂,光现在准备要移除那显现的细小的黑暗阴影。

    Time is short and the light is now set to remove the wariness of the dark shadows on display .

  2. 作为古老和遗失的知识拥有者,巫师用他的或强或弱的法术知识去阻止黑暗阴影的侵蚀,也能治疗同伴的创伤和痛苦。

    A keeper of ancient lore and otherwise lost knowledge , the lore-master uses his knowledge of the lesser and greater powers of the world around him to stave off the advances of the shadow for a time , and to treat the wounds and suffering of his companions .

  3. 有一些洁白的真相和黑暗的阴影,一起出现,互相映衬。

    Some pure truth and dark shadow appear together , setting each other off .

  4. 黑暗的阴影吞噬了她的梦想,蹂躏着她的灵魂。

    A dark shadow swept that dream away , and mutilated the mermaid 's soul .

  5. 她不怕黑暗和阴影,她极力想避开的只是人群。

    She was not afraid of the dark or the shadows ; it was people she was anxious to avoid .

  6. 他指向我的右方,在那边我能辨认出远方的一大片黑暗的阴影。

    He points to my right where I can 22 ) make out a large , dark shadow in the distance .

  7. 最终为小同心圆给一个不错的铃声模式,在日志底部和黑暗的阴影部分地区给予一定的深度。

    Smaller concentric circles on the end give a nice ring pattern and some areas of darker shading at the bottom of the log give it some depth .

  8. 画布上黑暗的阴影以及苍老、沉重的眼睛彷佛唱著一首忧郁的小调,观者也彷佛掉进了画作戏剧性的魔咒里。

    The dark shadows on the canvas sings a melancholic tune that the aged , weighty eyes tell , and we find ourselves trapped in the spell of this theatricality .

  9. 穿越黑暗和那阴影,我会一直继续走下去。

    Through the darkness and shadow I will still go on .

  10. 她的吸引力远不及那个独自面对黑暗峡谷的阴影、与恶魔正面交锋的孤独无畏的身影。

    She had not half the fascination of that solitary , intrepid figure who faced all alone the shadows of the Dark Valley and the encounter with Apollyon .

  11. 你们处在黑暗势力的阴影笼罩下太久了,他们完全忽视这些人的困境,他们心中没有任何怜悯与爱(这又让我想到了温州动车事件)。

    For too long you have been under the influence of the dark Ones , who mostly ignore the plight of others and have no compassion or love in their hearts .

  12. 没有黑暗,也没有阴影,可将作恶的人掩蔽。

    There is no darkness , and there is no shadow of death , where they may be hid who work iniquity .

  13. 尽管这个时代从总体上来说由于大萧条全社会都笼罩在黑暗和沮丧的阴影中,但对浪漫主义诗歌却是一个积极的,充满希望的,慷慨大方又自由开放的时代。

    The age is positive , hopeful , generous , and open to romantic poetry , in spite of the dark and dismal shadow spread over American society in general because of the Depression .

  14. 坐在黑暗的角落;黑暗的日子;黑暗的阴影;这家戏院星期一不开门;像在厄运里面一样黑暗。

    Sitting in a dark corner ; a dark day ; dark shadows ; the theater is dark on Mondays ; dark as the inside of a black cat .