
  • Big Fish;large fish;monsters of the deep
  1. 美国禁毒署称被捕的4个人都是分量十足的大鱼。

    The four men arrested were described as really big fish by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency .

  2. 大鱼吞食小鱼。

    Big fish eat small fish .

  3. 第一次抛下钓线,我就钓了一条大鱼。

    At the first cast I hooked a huge fish .

  4. 有关捕捉大鱼的所有内容只是一点破格罢了。

    All that stuff about catching giant fish was just a bit of poetic licence .

  5. 大鱼吃小鱼。

    Larger fish devour the smaller ones . ; The great fish eat up the small .

  6. 他钓了一条大鱼。

    He hooked a large fish .

  7. 现在该把莎莉送给大鱼了。

    The time came to send Shally to the big fish .

  8. 这个现象被称为大鱼小池塘效应。

    This phenomenon is known as the Big Fish Little Pond Effect .

  9. 这条大鱼非常可恶。

    The big fish was very bad .

  10. 有一条大河,大河里有一条大鱼。

    There was a big river . In the big river there was a big fish .

  11. 大鱼死了。莎莉和那个地方的女孩儿、男孩儿们都得救了。

    The big fish died , Shally and the other girls and boys there were all saved .

  12. 如果不送,大鱼就会淹没他们的房屋村庄。

    If not , the big fish would drown them , the people couldn 't do anything about it .

  13. 莎莉抽出刀,杀死了大鱼。

    the big fish , and the big fish was hurt . Shally took out the knife and killed it .

  14. 而那些眼中只有小鱼小虾的人,要想钓着大鱼就难了。

    It is difficult for those who only have small fish and shrimp1 in their minds to catch a big fish .

  15. 但他毫不气馁,仍然坚持下去,结果,终于有一条大鱼上钩了。

    But he was not discouraged and did not give up . In the end , a big fish swallowed the bait .

  16. 轻盈的桦皮舟像一条大鱼,在滚滚的黑色波涛和冰排中间飞一般地前进。

    The lissome birchbark canoe seemed to be a fish , so easily did it cut through the rolling black waves and ranks of ice .

  17. 记住对自己的能力有信心十分重要,在小池塘里成为大鱼有时候比学校本身更重要。

    Remember the importance of confidence in your abilities , and how being a Big Fish in a little pond can sometimes be more important than your school itself .

  18. 所以,没听说过任国公子钓大鱼这个故事的人,离治理好天下这一目标也还有很大一段距离。

    So , anyone he who has not heard of the story of catching2 the big fish has a long way to go to achieve the goal of governing a state .

  19. 如果钓到的大鱼制成鱼干,浙江以东到苍梧山以北的人都能饱餐一顿。

    If the fish were made into dried fish , it would be enough for all the people east of Zhejiang province and north of Cangwu Mountain to have a good meal .

  20. “U一定被大鱼吃掉了!”于是他们放弃救援,转身逃开。

    ' U was certainly devoured by that monster ! 'So they ran away .

  21. 母亲在医院里wow狂怒的大鱼待了一个月。

    My mother had to stay with him in the ho ital for a month .

  22. vt.夸口说,自吹自擂说;以有…而自豪vi.自吹自擂他自夸说钓到了条大鱼。

    boast He boasted about the big fish he had caught .

  23. 我在卖大鱼的地方看到Vlad,她说你常在这里玩,所以…

    I ran into Vlad at the place where they sell the big fish , and he said you played here a lot , so umm ....

  24. 除了需要名厨掌舵的餐厅和普拉达(Prada)专卖店外,那些曾经风靡一时的高端度假胜地发现,为了捕到“大鱼”,自身还需要在税务政策、房地产法规和一系列有利于商业的举措上做出调整。

    Beyond the need for celebrity chef restaurants and Prada boutiques , once-popular high-end resorts are discovering that it also takes a special cocktail of tax policies , real-estate laws and a host of business-friendly steps to reel in the big fish .

  25. 每天,他都会去孟买以北阿拉伯海边的渔民那里跑一趟,看看他们有没有捕到对虾或大鱼,好卖给孟买南部沙逊码头(SassoonDock)的出口商。这样来回一趟就要5个小时。

    Every day , he would make the five-hour round trip to visit fishermen living on the Arabian Sea on the north of the city to see if they had caught any of the prawns and large fish that he sells to exporters at south Mumbai 's Sassoon Dock .

  26. 好吧,大鱼,我会放你走。

    OK , big fish , I will let you go .

  27. 我们会掉上条大鱼。

    We 'd sure like to reel in the big one .

  28. 我巴看也能喂那条大鱼,他想。

    I wish I could feed the fish , he thought .

  29. 这三条大鱼都是罗尼今天下午钓的。

    The three huge fish were hooked by Ronny this afternoon .

  30. 看,一只猫正往屋里拽一条大鱼呢!

    Look , the cat is dragging in a big fish !