
  • 网络deep impact;When Time Ran Out;QUAKE
  1. BBC新闻-英国首都今天大为震撼。

    BBC News - The British capital is in shock today .

  2. 我赶快移开视线,大为震撼,而且又脸红了。

    I looked away quickly , shocked , going red again .

  3. 在过去五年的商业史上,有两大事件震撼和改变了美国。

    Over the past five years of business history , two events have shocked and transformed the nation .

  4. 毕竟此刻人们已经准备好了去了解关于我们的真相,但是更多极端的事变与事件一直围绕在某些揭露的周围将导致相当大的震撼。

    After all of this time the people are ready to learn the truth about us , although the more extreme incidents and events surrounding some disclosures will cause considerable shock .

  5. 弘京泽小时后走在街道上,曾看到一座教堂突兀的座落在城市里,大为震撼;教堂四周都是酒吧、餐厅、商场。

    As a child , the artist was struck by the seemingly arbitrary placement of a holy church on a city street , surrounded by bars , restaurants , and commercial shops .

  6. 他们认为大屏幕和震撼的音效是一种享受。

    They think the big screen and the incredible sound is a treat .