
  • 网络daecheong
  1. 中石大青岛校区一期工程建设项目后评价研究

    The Post-project Evaluation Study about the First Phase of the Project of China University of Petroleum Qingdao Campus

  2. 之后德国殖民者又陆续在青岛创办了数份报纸,其中包括贯穿整个德国殖民统治青岛时期的《大青岛报》。

    German colonists founded in Qingdao in several newspapers one after another , including 《 Qingdao Government Newspaper 》, which is throughout the whole period of German colonial rule .

  3. 胶州市是青岛市辐射的卫星城,着眼于接轨大青岛、融入半岛城市群,规划了一城四区两翼的城乡一体化布局。

    Jiaozhou is a radiation satellite city of Qingdao , focusing on integrating with Qingdao and merging with the Peninsula Urban Agglomeration , programming the integration of urban and rural areas layout about A City Four Areas And Two Wings .

  4. 比如你可以问问山大、青岛海洋大学等等,他们这样的学校的成教学院或者有专门的专业。

    For instance you can ask hill ocean of big , Qingdao to the university is waited a moment , they of such school perhaps have special major into education courtyard .

  5. 我们坐下来,我又去柜台点了一个大瓶的青岛啤酒,我们两人分着喝。

    We sat , and I went to the service counter and ordered one large bottle of Qingdao beer for us to share .

  6. 东海黑潮流轴的变化及日本以南黑潮大弯曲同青岛降水量的关系

    Relationship of variation of axial position of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea and its meanders south of Japan with the precipitation in Qingdao

  7. 这条高铁将把两大城市济南和青岛联接起来,是中国首个得到私人融资的高铁项目。

    It is the country 's first high-speed rail project to secure private financing .

  8. 笔者认为,不能就港口经济论港口经济,而应把港口经济融入城市经济、区域经济的大环境,从青岛市城市经济战略布局、适应区域经济发展需要的高度来寻求解决方略。

    We should put port economy into the city and region economy , and seek solutions from Qingdao city economy strategy arrangement and the needs of region economy .

  9. 首先,介绍中国啤酒发展格局,以及三大啤酒厂商:青岛啤酒,华润雪花,燕京啤酒。

    To begin with , the overview of Chinese beer market is introduced , with emphasis on the three major brewers in China : Tsingtao Beer Brewery , China Resources Snow ( CR Snow ) Brewery , and Yanjing Beer Group .