
dà wú wèi
  • Fearlessness;dauntless;indomitable;utterly fearless
大无畏 [dà wú wèi]
  • [dauntless;utterly fearless] 无所畏惧

  • 大无畏的演说

大无畏[dà wú wèi]
  1. 面对死亡,他仰天大笑,这是何等的大无畏精神。

    Facing the death , he has a good laugh , this is the what kind dauntless spirit .

  2. 在中华民族的文化意蕴中,常用来表达改造天地的雄伟气魄和大无畏的斗争精神。

    At the cultural connotation of the Chinese nation in the world used to express the transformation of the majestic spirit and dauntless spirit of struggle .

  3. 本书是对先驱们大无畏精神恰如其分的献礼。

    This book is a fitting tribute to the bravery of the pioneers .

  4. 州长称赞了他的大无畏行为。

    The governor praised him for his act of great bravery .

  5. 她的大无畏的精神使她不畏惧追求唯一正确的答案。

    Her undaunted spirit did not shrink from the only correct answer .

  6. 勇敢地对付暴徒需有大无畏精神。

    Standing up to bullies takes plenty of backbone .

  7. 那里的人们富于大无畏的开创精神,建立庞大的企业,敢冒风险,势如破竹,一干到底,不顾及成本,因此为加利福尼亚赢得了声誉。

    It was that population that gave to California a name for getting up astonishing enterprises and rushing them through with a magnificent dash and daring and a recklessness of cost or consequences , which she bears unto this day .

  8. 通过不停打电话、努力结识能够提供帮助的人、在商业会议上说日语,以及大无畏的做事风格,我最终促使英特尔被相关委员会接纳,获准将DVD应用在电脑上推广,而不仅仅是在家用电器上。

    Through cold calling , finding introductions to the right people , speaking Japanese in business meetings , and generally being fearless , I was able to get Intel onto the committee that allowed us to advocate for DVDs to work on computers , not just living room devices .

  9. 那名警察面临危险时表现出大无畏精神。

    The policeman showed great bravery in the face of danger .

  10. 百折不挠和大无畏的精神可以帮助一个人克服许多困难。

    Perseverance and pluck will carry a man through many difficulties .

  11. 但像你们这样大无畏的学生聚在这里学�

    students like you have come here to study and to learn

  12. 强有力,大无畏的造物主在指导我们!

    The awesome , mighty Creator of all things guides us !

  13. 它具体包括以下的内容:一,坚韧不拔、不屈不挠的大无畏的斗争精神;

    It includes : the dauntless revolutionary spirit with perseverance ;

  14. 你的那位大无畏的领导是不是一位糟糕的老板呢?

    Not sure whether your fearless leader qualifies as a bad boss ?

  15. 每次进攻重要城市,他似乎都以大无畏的精神充当先锋,而且攻无不克,战无不胜。

    He seemed to spearhead every important city so fearlessly and successfully .

  16. 我们的责任是培育大无畏的精神。

    It is our duty to cultivate the spirit of boldness and fearlessness .

  17. 但是我忽然这样大无畏的似乎只有我一个。

    But I am abrupt so undaunted be like to have me only .

  18. 而这种大无畏让我可以做任何事。

    And without fear I 'm capable of anything .

  19. 我们的青年从不缺少大无畏的精神。

    Our youth never failed an in invincible courage .

  20. 李博士为人谦和,同时也是一位大无畏的领导。

    While personally a modest man , Dr LEE was a bold leader .

  21. 她在反对腐败残暴的政权时表现出了大无畏的精神。

    She has shown immense courage in opposing a corrupt and violent regime .

  22. 林州人真有一股大无畏的气概。

    The people of Linzhou displayed a fearless spirit .

  23. 他们在巨大的危险面前表现出大无畏的精神和职业军人的素质。

    They have demonstrated enormous bravery and professionalism in the face of great danger .

  24. 但对我这样一个现在大无畏的人来说,这并不是大问题。

    But it 's not a problem for such an undaunted person like me .

  25. 乔·希尔是个大无畏的战士。

    Joe Hill was a fearless fighter .

  26. 中华民族精神表现为大无畏的气概、夺取胜利的决心、自信自强能力的精神。

    The ethos of Chinese is shown by courage , determination for victory and self confidence .

  27. 这就是使罗马成为世界上最伟大的城市的一种大无畏气概。

    This was the kind of courage that made Rome the greatest city in the world .

  28. 要成为一名成功的新闻工作者,妇女可能要有点厚脸皮和大无畏的精神。

    To succeed as a journalist a woman might have to appear somewhat brassy and fearless .

  29. 诸君之祖先曾以大无畏之精神,冒不可思议之困难,筚路褴褛以开发新大陆。

    Their brawn and thews braved undauntedly almost unbelievable hardships to open up a new continent .

  30. 跟一个大无畏的人做船伴,比跟一个懦夫做船伴还更危险。

    but that an utterly fearless man is a far more dangerous comrade than a coward .