
  • 网络Air Data Computer;ADC;DADC
  1. 大气数据计算机软件结构分析

    Structural Analysis of ADC System Software

  2. 双通道大气数据计算机自动测试设备的研制

    ATE development of double-channel ADC

  3. 大气数据计算机(AirDataComputer,简称ADC)仿真系统是研究飞机大气数据系统的平台,它也可以取代真实大气数据计算机应用在地面综合航电系统的实验中,大大降低了实验的成本和风险。

    Air Data Computer ( ADC ) is a platform for researching flight air data system . It can reduce cost and risk greatly , when using in ground experiment of integration avionics system .

  4. 实验结果表明,本文介绍的基于ARM的大气数据计算机的系统方案合理有效,具有较好的实时性以及可靠性,基本上满足了对于系统设计的需要。

    The experimental results show that the system program of Air Data Computer based on ARM in this paper is reasonable and effective , with a better real-time and reliability , and basically meet the need for system design .

  5. 基于飞行导航控制的先验知识,对DGPS、磁航向计、大气数据计算机等飞行导航传感器获取的飞行状态信息进行综合处理,实现了组合导航控制。

    Based on the prior knowledge of flight navigation control , a combined navigation system is achieved by integration of DGPS , magnetometer and atmosphere data computer .

  6. 大气数据计算机是飞机重要的机载电子设备。

    Atmospheric data computer is the important airborne electronic equipment of airplane .

  7. 一种简易无人机载大气数据计算机的设计

    A Design of a Low Cost Atmosphere Data Computer of the UAV

  8. 静压源误差修正及其在大气数据计算机的应用

    Static source error correction and application in air data computer

  9. 大气数据计算机远程测试系统设计与实现

    Design and realization of air data computer remote test system

  10. 大气数据计算机仿真系统设计与可信度分析

    Design and Credibility analysis of Air Data Computer Simulation System

  11. 大气数据计算机主机板的测试

    Testing for the Main-board of an Atmosphere Data Computer

  12. 通用型大气数据计算机自动测试系统的研制

    The Computer Automatic Measure System of the Hydraulic Universal Material Test Machine ; Currency ATS Development of Air-Data-Computer

  13. 大气数据计算机是飞机飞行中重要的数据来源,是保证飞行安全和稳定的重要航空机载设备之一。

    ADC supplies data source to airplane . It is one of the most important equipments on the aircraft .

  14. 该系统,只需配置不同的产品适配器,选择相应的程序模块就可实现对不同型号的大气数据计算机进行验收。

    With different connecting adapters and program modules , this automatic military acceptance inspection system can inspect different types of ADC .

  15. 针对某型飞机航电系统地面试验的需要,设计了一套大气数据计算机激励器系统。

    To meet the needs of certain type of aircraft avionic system ground test , a set of air data computer stimulating system was designed .

  16. 大气数据计算机,根据量取压力和温度而产生大气数据资料(高度、空速等)的计算机。

    AIR DATA COMPUTER , A computer which produces air data inFORMation , such as altitude and airspeed , based on pressure and temperature measurements .

  17. 本文以计算机仿真理论和仿真可信度评估理论为基础,设计并实现了两种类型的大气数据计算机仿真系统,并对该仿真系统的可信度进行了评估。

    Based on computer simulation and simulation credibility theory , ADC simulation system is designed and the credibility of this system is evaluated in this paper .

  18. 本文研究了某型号大气数据计算机组成、结构以及工作原理,并分析大气参数的计算原理和静压源误差的形成以及修正原理。

    The article studies structure and principle of ADC . Then principle of calculate in ADC and the form procedure of static pressure source error are discussed .

  19. 但是,大气数据计算机是一个封装的机载电子设备,对学习、研究和开发人员来说,不方便直接地了解和监控数据处理的全过程。

    But atmospheric data computer is packaged airborne electronic equipment . It is not convenient for learners and developers to understand and monitoring the entire process of data processing directly .

  20. 随着大气数据计算机、飞行参数记录系统、综合导航系统、发动机参数记录系统等一大批综合电子化设备加装飞机,对其进行可靠和有效的综合维修,部队需求在不断增加。

    Along with the many integrated electronical equipments such as air data computer , the flight parameter recording system , the integrated navigation system and flight parameter recording system equiped to the airplane , the requirement of the credibly and availably integrated maintenance increases .

  21. 如果外接上实际的大气数据参数传感器,就可构成实用的大气数据计算机系统。

    A functional Air data computer can be implemented if the AirData sensors are added .