
  1. 并运用波士顿矩阵对波导公司手机产品现有产品进行分析,确定其各自的发展战略方案;

    The development strategy plans are laid out with the analysis of the current products under Boston Matrix .

  2. 当中国宁波的波导公司开始扩大自己的电信设备市场份额,一些国际公司感到相当震惊。

    Some were shocked when the Chinese company Ningbo Bird began to claim a share of the telecommunications market .

  3. 实证分析选择了目前国内市场比较有代表性的两个品牌&摩托罗拉公司和波导公司,比较分析了他们在渠道模式、渠道成员选择、渠道设计等方面的特点所在。

    Motorola and Bird , two representative products in domestic market , were used as examples to compare their channel pattern , member selection and design as well .

  4. 论文最后以波导公司近十年来的资金配置情况对前述构建的资金配置模式进行了实证研究。

    At last , according to the situation of Bird 's fund disposition of the past ten years , this text carries on the positive research to the aforesaid fund disposition mode .

  5. 在手机行业中,波导等公司也对此进行了大胆的尝试。

    Companies such as Bird have also carried out a bold attempt in the mobile phone industry .

  6. 波导股份有限公司战略管理案例

    Strategic Management Case of NINGBO BIRD CO. , LTD