
  • 网络BSO;Boston Symphony;The Boston Symphony Orchestra
  1. 1951年夏,指挥家谢尔盖·库塞维茨基(SergeKoussevitzky)邀请他前往坦格尔伍德指挥波士顿交响乐团,他由此重新回到了指挥台。之后,他以富布赖特学者的身份,又前往罗马研究文艺复兴时期的意大利音乐。

    An invitation from the conductor Serge Koussevitzky to lead the Boston Symphony Orchestra at Tanglewood in the summer of 1951 brought him back to the podium just before he headed off to Rome , on a Fulbright fellowship , to study Renaissance Italian music .

  2. 我们看过小泽征尔指挥波士顿交响乐团。

    We saw seija Ozawa conducting the Boston Symphony orchestra .

  3. 这里是波士顿交响乐团的夏天活动场所。

    It is the summer home of the Boston symphony orchestra .

  4. 然而,从来没有人怀疑波士顿交响乐团的精英地位。

    Yet no one ever doubted that Boston was still part of the elite .

  5. 波士顿交响乐团今晚演出吗?

    Does the Boston Symphony play this week ?

  6. 他们还策划了为波士顿交响乐团有薪创作的当代作曲家的作品音乐会。

    They also prepared programs by modern composers paid to write for the Boston Symphony .

  7. 赖瑞:我喜欢波士顿交响乐团演奏的版本。

    Larry : There 's one performed by the Boston Symphony Orchestra that I really like .

  8. 总之它是世界上最著名的音乐节之一,也是波士顿交响乐团的夏季之家。

    Anyway it is one of the world 's most famous music festivals and the summer home of the Boston Symphony Orchestra .

  9. 当天庆祝活动的高潮是波士顿交响乐团的爱国歌谣组曲演奏;另外还有超过十五万观众会集聚港口,欣赏漫天烟火灿烂。

    The highlight of the day 's celebrations is a local orchestra playing a medley of patriotic tunes as one hundred and fifty thousand spectators watch fireworks burst over the harbor .

  10. 音乐在此很兴盛:波士顿交响乐团、新英格兰音乐学院和波士顿流行管弦乐团在公开和私人的场合都提供一流的音乐欣赏。

    Music flourishes here : the Boston Symphony orchestra , the New England Conservatory of music , and the Boston Pops Orchestra offer first-class musical entertainment in both public and private venues .

  11. 他在法国的成功让他收到了当时担任波士顿交响乐团音乐总监的查尔斯蒙克的邀请,入主伯克希尔音乐中心(现为坦格乌德音乐中心)。

    His success in France led to an invitation by Charles Munch , then the music director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra , to attend the Berkshire Music Center ( now the Tanglewood Music Center ) .