
  • 网络bologna;polonia
  1. 欧洲的波洛尼亚进程(BolognaProcess)无疑开创了高等教育一体化的新时代。

    The Bologna Process in Europe began a new era of the integration of higher education .

  2. 波洛尼亚进程框架下俄罗斯高等教育系统的改革

    Reform of Higher Education System in Russia Under the Bologna Framework

  3. 波洛尼亚进程中法国的四种声音:一体化VS保持特性

    Four Attitudes towards the Bologna Process in France-Integration vs Specialty

  4. 推进波洛尼亚进程,加大教育改革力度&中东欧和独联体国家高等教育应对WTO挑战的战略举措

    Promoting ' Bologna-Process ' and Strengthening Educational Reform & Strategies in Higher Education of Mid and East Europe and CIS to Face the Challenges of WTO

  5. 这些说明涉及无所不在的主题,观众可以通过点击印度教资料访问和互动波洛尼亚的作品。

    The descriptions are related to the theme of omnipresence , and the viewer can access and interact with Polonia 's artwork by clicking on the various Hindu references .

  6. 1999年《波洛尼亚宣言》发表,在肯定欧洲学分转换系统在促进学生流动方面的作用的同时,也希望将积累功能附加在欧洲学分系统之上,以促进终身学习。

    With the releasing of Bologna Declaration in 1999 , it is hoped that adding the accumulation function to ECTS for life long leaning besides the great contribution to facilitating the mobility .