
  • 网络ASTI;Asti Spumante
  1. 安东尼娅莱蒂西亚阿斯蒂刚过了61岁生日,她生下了一对双胞胎。

    Antonia Leticia Asti gave birth to twins just one week after her 61st birthday .

  2. 在阿斯蒂,我通过唱歌认识了一位警察,他帮我拿到了居民身份证。

    In Asti I met a policeman through singing who smoothed out getting my residency permit .

  3. 这些还不算什么,他们的医生奥兰多说阿斯蒂需要克服的最大障碍是社会对大龄产妇的歧视。

    Despite those difficulties , their doctor Orlando de Castro said the biggest obstacle Asti needed to overcome was society 's prejudice towards older mothers .