
  • 网络Ava;Ara
  1. 一个缅甸王子更新就任阿瓦的封臣。

    A Burmese prince was again installed as a vassal of Ava .

  2. 他在某部故事片里和阿瓦加德纳联袂演出。

    He was in some feature with Ava gardner .

  3. 阿瓦提前陆盆地位于塔里木盆地西部。

    Await foreland basin is located in the northwestern Tarim Basin .

  4. 阿瓦,那个时候他还是总统。

    At that time , Arwa , he was president .

  5. 在印度西北部的卡提阿瓦是其原产地。

    Had it 's original home in Kathiawar in north west India .

  6. 塔里木阿瓦提前陆盆地构造特征及油气远景

    Structural characteristics and hydrocarbon potential in awat foreland

  7. 据说,在圣阿瓦区指挥那次起义的是人民之友社。

    The Society of the Friends of the People had , it was said , undertaken to direct the insurrection in the Quartier Sainte-Avoye .

  8. 只有一处,在圣阿瓦街和西蒙·勒弗朗街的转角处,居民起来反抗,自己动手拆毁街垒。

    On a single point the inhabitants resisted , at the corner of the Rue Sainte-Avoye and the Rue Simon-Le-Franc , where they destroyed the barricade with their own hands .

  9. 当然,这不能说,美国共和国怎么着都比阿尔巴尼亚好,对于它的迟缓,无人道,斯大林主义领导,阿瓦。霍查。

    Certainly , it would be impermissible to say that the American Republic is in any sense better than Albania under its late , unlamented , Stalinist leader , Enver Hoxa .