
  • 网络Wedgwood
  1. 她是韦奇伍德家的远亲。

    She was distantly connected with the Wedgwood family .

  2. 1773年,韦奇伍德用硫酸钡(石灰岩)作实验,并从中得到了碧玉。

    Wedgwood experimented with barium sulphate ( caulk ), and from it produced jasper , in1773 .

  3. 然后介绍了国际陶瓷品牌以及他们的品牌战略,包括韦奇伍德,皇家道尔顿,爱马仕,皇家哥本哈根和则武的品牌战略。

    Then international ceramic brands and their branding strategies are introduced , including Wedgwood , Royal Doulton , Hermes , Royal Copenhagen and Noritake .

  4. 消费者当时正开始偏爱于这种风格,而非正式的全套餐具韦奇伍德和皇家道尔顿等历史著名企业的长项。

    This was what customers were starting to prefer to the formal dining services that were the strong suit of historic businesses such as Wedgwood and Royal Doulton .

  5. 《物种起源》的作者查尔斯·达尔文列出了一张婚姻利弊清单,最终他决定向表妹爱玛·韦奇伍德求婚。

    Charles Darwin , author of Origin of Species , wrote a pros and cons list for getting married , and eventually decided to propose to his first cousin Emma Wedgwood .