
  • 网络waveguide;waveguide tube;Wave guide
  1. E面加载结构可等效成充满均匀等效电介质的波导管。

    The E-plane loaded structure can be equivalent to a waveguide filled with a uniform effective dielectric .

  2. 为了使得射频源和波导管的频率保持一致,采用了自动频率控制系统(AFC)。

    In order to make the RF source and the waveguide have the same resonant frequency , the automatic frequency control ( AFC ) system is used .

  3. 对自旋为1的p(?)耦合波导管本征值的讨论

    In this paper the experimental spectrum of the P (?) ON EIGENVALUES OF COUPLED WAVEGUIDES

  4. 在矩形波导管内建立TEM场区的工作条件

    The Principle and Designed Method of Setting up TEM Field in Rectangular Wave Guide

  5. 本文研究了在装有CS2的波导管中后向非弹性散射的相位共轭特性和在全息红宝石激光器中应用的可能性。

    The phase conjugate property of backward inelastic Scattering of laser beam in a waveguide and the possibility of its application in holographic ruby lasers have been investigated .

  6. 最后,利用互易定理求出对波导管TE(10)波而言孔隙所呈现的反射系数和归一化导纳。

    Finally , the reflection coefficients and the normalized admittance of the slot on the waveguide for TE_ ( 10 ) mode are calculated using the reciprocity theorem .

  7. 采用超高亮绿色发光二极管作光源,使用9cm液芯波导管和光强差技术分光光度法测定食品中痕量亚硫酸根。

    Trace sulfite in food was determined by liquid core waveguide and light intensity difference technique .

  8. 使用6cm长TeflonAF涂覆的石英毛细管作为液芯波导管,同时作为电泳分离通道和荧光检测光路,将分离后样品的荧光信号传送到检测器。

    A Teflon AF coated silica ( capillary ) served as both the separation channel for CE separation and as an LCW for light transmission of fluorescence emission to the detector .

  9. 根据矩形波导管内的微波分布,确定了波导管宽壁面开槽位置,结合SWP源的结构尺寸,设计了开槽天线阵列。

    According to the microwave field distributed in the rectangular waveguide , the position of the cavern slot on the width waveguide wall is determined . Combining with the structure size of the SWP source , novel slot-array antennas are exploited .

  10. 它是一种圆柱型腔,内径43mm,高42.9mm;两端有截止波导管,内径12mm,长30mm。

    The cavity operates in mode TE 011 . It is a cylindric cavity with 43 mm in inner diameter and 42.9 mm high , and has a cut off waveguide tube with 30 mm long and 12 mm in inner diameter at its two ends .

  11. 本文利用Inagaki模式分析方法对矩形波导管内金属电感棒和电感膜片进行了分析计算,其计算结果与实测结果及已知的分析结果相比具有良好的一致性。

    In this paper , the method of Inagaki modal analysis is employed to analyze the metallic posts and diaphragms in a rectangular waveguide , and a good agreement between the computed results ' and the measured as well as the analytical results is achieved .

  12. 矩形斜口面天线是把矩形波导管两个窄边同时渐削,宽边尺寸保持不变而形成的开口,口面位于无限大完全导电平面上,被矩形波导中主模H10模激励。

    The incline rectangular aperture antenna is one whose opening is tapered only on both narrow sides of a rectangular waveguide , placed on a perfectly infinite conducting plane , excited by the dominant H 10 mode in the rectangular waveguide .

  13. 以TE10和TM11型波为例,研究了矩形波导管内的电磁场激发的管壁电流与电荷分布及如何对管内电磁波进行检测的问题。

    By example of TE_ ( 10 ) and TM_ ( 11 ) waves , the electric charges and currents on waveguide wall are due to electromagnetic filed excitation , and the problem of survey electromagnetic wave in rectangular waveguide are discussed .

  14. 圆形波导管驻波检测器对流层波导电波传播

    Circular waveguide standing-wave detector radio wave propagation in tropospheric radio duct

  15. 椭圆形光圈式波导管高功率毫米波过模波导模式耦合设计

    Coupling design for high-power millimeter wave in the overmoded waveguides mode

  16. 坐标变换在波导管涡流计算中的应用

    Application of the coordinate transformation for computing waveguide tube eddy currents

  17. 基于液芯波导管的微流控停流液-液萃取系统的研究

    A Microfluidic Stopped-Flow Liquid-Liquid Extraction System Using Liquid Core Waveguide Capillary

  18. 矩形波导管均匀高斯光束的初步理论研究

    Elementary Theory Research of Gaussian Laser Beam Averaged by Rectangle Wave-guide

  19. 基于数学形态学的管制瓶图像滤波方法研究椭圆形光圈式波导管

    Research on the Tube-type Bottle Image Filtering Base on Mathematical Morphology

  20. 均匀波导管横截面上矢量本征函数的完备性

    Completeness of Vector Eigen Functions at the Cross Section of Uniform Waveguide

  21. 铝合金异形波导管的热挤压

    Hot Extrusion of Special shaped Waveguide Pipes of Aluminium Alloy

  22. 波导管振动采油工艺参数优化设计研究

    Research on Parameter Optimization Design for Waveguide Vibration Production Technology

  23. 泵的功率通过第二个波导管馈入。

    The pump power is fed through a second waveguide .

  24. 这种波导管的主要特点是结构简单。

    This waveguide tube is chiefly characterized by its simplicity of structure .

  25. 一种使加速波导管充分出气的有效途径

    An Effective Way Enabling Guide of Accelerator Full Removing Gas

  26. 关于矩形波导管拉伸配模合理设计的探讨

    Discussion on Optimum Design of Dies for Drawing Rectangular Wave-guides

  27. 给出了对波导管弯曲损耗的要求。

    Requirements for minimizing the waveguide axis bending are given .

  28. 波导管中电磁波的平面波分析

    Plane Wave Analysis on Electromagnetic Wave in Wave Guide

  29. 基于波导管的无缝扫描光刻激光均束设计照射激光束,照明激光束

    Design of laser beam uniformity based on light-guide wall in seamless scanning lithography

  30. 波导管对泄漏噪声测量的影响;

    The effect that wave-guide tube has on the detection of leak noise ;