
tān fāng
  • collapse;landslide;cave in;landslip
坍方 [tān fāng]
  • [cave in;landslide;landslip] 见塌方

坍方[tān fāng]
  1. 在深入分析坍方原因的基础上,应用Terzaghi公式计算土压力并指导坍方治理,取得了成功,为处理隧道坍方提供了一种思路。

    According to the analysis of the cause to collapse and calculated result of earth pressure with Terzaghi formula , the treating program proved to be successful , which offered an approach for the treatment of tunnel collapse .

  2. 地震造成了这个地区的煤矿坍方。

    The earthquake caused the collapse of the coal mines in this district .

  3. 水平岩层隧道围岩坍方的初步分析本文主要介绍秦岭隧道掘进机(TBM)施工中围岩坍方及其处理的情况,并提出了掘进机通过坍方地段的对策。

    Primary Analysis of the Wall & rock Landslide of the Tunnels along Horizontal Layers This paper describes the collapse of surrounding rock during the construction with TBM in Qin-ling Tunnel and presents the countermeasure against it .

  4. 福建省水利水电工程斜坡坍方问题的研究

    Study on slope failures in hydropower projects in Fujian province

  5. 探讨高速公路隧道坍方救生方案及处治措施

    Discusses the Highway Tunnel Soil Slip Lifesaving Plan and the Punishment Measure

  6. 镇保隧道左幅进口洞口段变形及坍方处治方案

    Treatment Program for Deformation and Landslides at Left Entrance of Zhenbao Tunnel

  7. 采用管棚法处理特大坍方段的应用技术

    Application Technology of Extra-large Landslide Section Treatment by Pipe-roof Protection

  8. 围岩坍方机理分析与坍方预测方法探讨

    Mechanism Analysis and Prediction Method of Surrounding Rock Collapse

  9. 隧道整体坍方及预处理的数值模拟分析

    Numerical Simulation Analysis on Tunnel Total Collapse and Pre-processing

  10. 节理层理岩体隧道坍方发生机理、演化过程与处治研究

    Research on the Occurrence Mechanism , Evolution Procedure and Prevention of Joint Tunnel Collapse

  11. 长大管棚法在处理炭质千枚岩坍方中的应用

    The application of long and large pipe shed method in treating carbon-based phyllite collapse

  12. 靠椅山隧道坍方段支护结构检算

    Tunnel Support Structure Calculation in Collapse Section

  13. 采用小导坑处理隧道坍方

    Applying pilot tunnel to treat tunnel collapse

  14. 公路隧道坍方综合处治技术

    Synthetical treatment technique for highway tunnel collapse

  15. 大管棚在隧道长、大坍方施工中的应用

    Applying Large Steel Pipe Shed to Deal with the Long and Largescale Landslide of Tunnel

  16. 浅埋偏压隧道洞口坍方数值分析与处治

    Numerical analysis of a collapsed portal for shallow tunnel under asymmetrical pressure and its treatment

  17. 某水电站左岸泄洪洞无压段大坍方事故处理六甲洞隧道病害整治注浆加固技术

    The Treatment for a Heavy Cave-in of Left Bank Flood Tunnel in a Hydroelectric Power Station

  18. 南岭隧道坍方破坏分析

    Analysis on avalanche of Nanling tunnel

  19. 对隧道坍方的认识和处理方法,在不同时期有不同的内容。

    The understanding on tunnel slide and its treatment methods have different contents during different times .

  20. 岩溶、溶洞隧道坍方分析及防坍处理

    Analysis of Collapse of Tunnel with Rock Karst and Rock Cave and Measures for Collapse Preventing

  21. 坍陷坍陷,如隧道或建筑的塌陷基于范例推理的浏阳河隧道风化槽段坍方风险评估

    Case-based Reasoning Assessment on Tunnel Collapse Risk of the Weathered Trough Section of Liuyang River Tunnel

  22. 坍方使交通中断了。

    The landslide interrupted traffic .

  23. 双连拱隧道洞顶坍方对二次衬砌稳定影响评价

    Evaluation of the effect of collapse in top area of a double-arched tunnel on its the secondary lining

  24. 介绍了隧道坍方中水泥&水玻璃双液注浆施工工艺处理及其应用。

    This paper introduces the treatment and application of construction technology of cement-water glass two-shot grouting in the tunnel collapse .

  25. 对水平岩层隧道围岩坍方的原因进行了初步分析,并提出了相应的防治措施。

    The primary analysis is taken on the causes of wall & rock landslide of the tunnels along horizontal layers .

  26. 结合某隧道坍方整治工程实例,对预应力锚索在加固高陡岩壁过程中的运用进行了探讨和总结。

    Discussion and summary about the application of prestressed anchor rope to strengthen tall and abrupt rock slope are presented by a practical project of repairing tunnel collapse .

  27. 本文简要分析了洞室施工中引起围岩坍方的原因,坍方的预防措施及治理的一般原则。

    This article analyzed in brief the cause , which triggered the collapse of wall rocks during the cavity construction , the prevention measure and general principle of treatment .

  28. 在施工中碰到的问题及时治理,如:土坍方、桩倾斜时用回灌闭坑或调整施工方案;

    The problems occurring in the construction have been settled without delay , For example , sealing pit by recharging or adjusting construction plan when soil landslide and piles inclire ;

  29. 试验结果指出:(1)压实度较小、渗透性较佳之土壤,因地下水渗透,在坡脚产生瞬间坍方。

    The test results show that : ( 1 ) For low degree of compaction and moderate permeability of soil , sudden-ly landslides will occur at toe of slope due to the seepage of groundwater .

  30. 主要研究内容如下:(1)通过对现场实测数据数据分析得出:复杂的地质环境是造成大变形和坍方事故的主要原因。

    The main research contents are as follows : ( 1 ) Analysis based on the monitoring data gives a conclusion that the complex geological environment is the main reason for the large deformation and cave-in accident .