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tān tái
  • collapse;fold ;fall into disgrace;lose face
坍台 [tān tái]
  • (1) [(of enterprises, etc.) collapse]∶垮台--多指事业,局面不能继续维持

  • (2) [lose face;fall into disgrace]∶丢脸;出丑

坍台[tān tái]
  1. 一堵坍台的墙压倒在埋郁金香的地方,覆盖住了那些球根。

    An unstable wall had collapsed on the spot , covering the bulbs .

  2. 他在他们的眼光里是坍台了;他在贫民前面丢了体面和地位。

    He was degraded in their eyes ; he had lost caste and station before the very paupers .

  3. 像一包送出去洗濯的衣服一般!耶稣基督的仆人竟这样坍台地从窗户口缒下去!

    In an old clothes basket , like a bundle of laundry , or groceries , the servant of Jesus Christ was dropped from the window and ignominiously fled from the hate of his foes .