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gǔn yuán
  • round as a ball;be perfectly round;rounded
滚圆 [gǔn yuán]
  • (1) [round as a ball;be perfectly round]∶非常圆

  • (2) [rounded]∶外形圆滑没有锯齿状或带棱角

  • 滚圆的小球

滚圆[gǔn yuán]
  1. 这一带的孩子们都很喜欢那位体形滚圆的绅士。

    Children in the neighbourhood all like that rotund gentleman .

  2. 本研究以GFN为模型药物,采用挤出-滚圆技术制备载药量80%的骨架微丸。

    In this study , about 80 % drug loading matrix pellets of Guaifenesin prepared by extrusion-spheronization technology .

  3. 用局部因子法分析挤出-滚圆法制备的球形产品收得率

    Partial factor approach to the output by an extrusion-spheronization process

  4. 制备中药微丸的挤出-滚圆工艺研究

    Study on Preparation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Pellets by Extrusion-Spheronization

  5. 小鸡们看上去像滚圆的小绒球。

    The chicks looked like little round balls of fluff .

  6. 相对润湿度概念及其在挤出&滚圆法造粒中的应用

    Relative Wetting Degree and Its Application on Preparation of Pellets by Extrusion-spheronization

  7. 挤出滚圆法制备药用微丸Ⅱ.制备工艺

    Spherical pellets prepared by extrusion spheronization ⅱ . preparation technology

  8. 瓜无滚圆,人无十全。

    No melon is completely round , and no person is perfect .

  9. 是制作角铁法兰、型材滚圆弯曲的理想设备。

    It 's ideal equipment for bend angle iron flange .

  10. 方法:用挤出滚圆造粒机及流化床包衣设备制备感冒清微丸。

    METHODS : Extruded-spheronizing granulator and fluidized coating-machine were applied for Ganmaoqing micro-pills'production .

  11. 挤出-滚圆技术是工业药剂学上的一项重要制丸方法,载药量高是其一大优势。

    Extrusion-Spheronization is an important method to prepare pellets in industrial pharmaceutics fields .

  12. 表二:制定和滚圆变量对反应的影响。

    Table II : The effect of formulation and spheronization variables on responses .

  13. 滚圆作图法是补贴的设计方法之一,它在铸钢补贴工艺设计中使用得较为广泛。

    This method is used very widely in the casting steel processing design .

  14. 介绍了挤出、滚圆、气流包衣法制备红霉素肠溶微粒胶囊。

    Enteric coated erythromycin micro-granules capsules were prepared by extruded and airflow coated method .

  15. 粉体、颗粒、丸的薄膜、肠溶、缓控释包衣。挤出滚圆-流化床包衣法制备麦冬皂苷肠溶微丸

    Preparation of Ophiopogon japonicus saponin enteric pellets by extrusion-spheronization and fluid bed coating technology

  16. 挤出滚圆法制备纳米中药微丸的工艺研究

    Preparation of Nanometer Chinese Medicine Pellets by Extrusion-spheronization

  17. 他转过身来拍了拍自己那滚圆的肚子。

    He turned and patted his rotund stomach .

  18. 他摇了摇他那滚圆的,长着红发的脑袋。

    He wagged his round red head .

  19. 泪珠滚圆,大海深邃,泪洒水中,进入梦乡。

    Tears are round , the sea is deep : Roll them overboard and sleep .

  20. 挤出滚圆法制备胃漂浮空白丸芯及其处方和工艺研究

    Preparation of Intra-gastric Floating Blank-pellets by Extrusion-spheronization and Research into the Formula and Technique Thereof

  21. 超萌滚圆的大白是该片的最大卖点。

    The biggest selling point of the movie is the super lovable and balloonish Baymax .

  22. 让榛子果仁香甜饱满,让葫芦肚皮滚圆鼓胀;

    To swell the gourd , and plump the hazel shells With a sweet kernel ;

  23. 她的眼睛因兴奋而睁得滚圆。

    Her eyes rounded with excitement .

  24. 他的脸盘差不多是滚圆的,脑袋也是圆圆的,紧挨在肩膀上。

    His face was almost round and his head was round and set close on his shoulders .

  25. 一个柔滑、褐色的头,海豹的,远远地在水面上,滚圆的。

    A sleek brown head , a seal 's , far out on the water , round .

  26. 惠民短枝红富士苹果密植早果丰产栽培综合技术结果:用挤出滚圆法制备的杞芪微丸圆整度好,大小均匀,成品收率高。

    Early-bearing and High yield Culture Technics for Close Planting Huimin Red Fuji Apple the product yield was high .

  27. 她丈夫总是小心地保持着一定的距离跟随着她,就像一只滚圆的小狗小跑着跟在女主人的后面。

    Her husband always follows at a discreet distance , like a small round dog trotting after its mistress .

  28. 抗逆、高产玉米杂交种陕资1号的稳定性分析结果:用挤出滚圆法制备的杞芪微丸圆整度好,大小均匀,成品收率高。

    Stability analysis for a good resistance and high yield hybrid - Shaanzi No.1 the product yield was high .

  29. 轴类大锻件的锻造过程分为压方、拔长和倒棱滚圆三大步骤。

    The whole forging process of long-axis heavy forging was divided into three steps , including squaring , stretching and chamfering-rounding .

  30. 硫素水平对夏玉米产量及生理特性影响的研究结果:用挤出滚圆法制备的杞芪微丸圆整度好,大小均匀,成品收率高。

    Effects of Sulfur Application Amount on Yield and Physiological Characteristics in High Yield Summer Maize the product yield was high .