
  • 网络independent equation;separated scheme
  1. 用场论方法证明基尔霍夫定律独立方程的数目

    Applying the Method of Field Theory to Prove the Number of Independent Equation of Kirchhoff 's Law

  2. 像素灰度值独立方程重构高分辨力图像

    High-resolution Image Reconstruction Based on Independent Equations of Pixel Grey Level

  3. 从并联机器人的基本约束方程出发,通过引入中间变量和数学处理,借助Matlab数学推导软件,得到以动平台姿态角为变量的3个独立方程。

    Based on the constrain conditions of parallel robot and Matlab system , it deducts 3 independent functions with the variables of stance in dynamic roof .

  4. 这些边界条件构成了十六个独立方程。

    These boundary conditions result in sixteen independent equations .

  5. 整个推导过程都是以现代网络场论中积分形式的两组独立方程组为源,没有依靠线图。

    Two independent equations in integral form of modern network field theory are taken as the source of our entire derivation and not any line graph is relied on .

  6. 引入非独立ARR方程,提取不确定一致型和确定不一致型ARR方程信息。

    Through introducing independent ARR equations , the information of inconsistent-certain and consistent-uncertain ARR equations is collected .

  7. 电磁场边值关系的独立性方程

    The independent equations of the boundary relation of electromagnetic field

  8. 非正弦周期状态下场论两个最基本的独立积分方程组的推广和电路规律

    The Extending of Two Most Basic Independent Integral Equations of Field Theory in Non sinusoidal State

  9. 讨论了在频域和时域中电磁场的边值关系式,并给出了独立性方程。

    The boundary relation of the time-domain field and the frequency-domain field is discused , and the independent equations is given .

  10. 文章首先对这样一个多元体系运用原子系数矩阵,计算出反应体系中存在的独立反应方程,得到两组代表不同反应机制的独立反应。

    In this letter , two groups of independent reactions representing different reaction mechanism are obtained by calculating the atomic coefficient matrix .

  11. 通过广义坐标的引入,将多质点弹性体系的运动微分方程分解成以广义坐标为变量的独立微分方程形式。

    Taking generalized coordinates for variables , the differential equations of multiple elastic particles are decomposed into the differential equations in the independent form by introducing generalized coordinates .

  12. 认为时域场的边值关系的独立性方程可以用两个叉乘方程,电荷连续性方程的边值关系和电磁场的初始条件来确定。

    It is thought that the independent equation of the boundary relation in the frequency-domain is composed of two curl equations and the charged continuity equation of the boundary relation .

  13. 首先运用数学的方法确定了汽油氧化重整制氢复杂反应体系的独立反应方程数,并对反应体系进行了热力学分析与计算。

    The independent equations have been ascertained for the reaction system of partial oxidation and steam reforming of gasoline by using mathematical method . The reaction system has been thermodynamically analyzed and calculated .

  14. 引入两个新函数,将相互耦台的热传导方程和平衡方程分解为独立的方程进行求解。

    By introducing two new functions ■ and ■ the coupled heat conduction equation and equilibrium equations are separated from each other into uncoupled ones which can be individually solved in a usual way .

  15. 指出最佳检测器仍由K重相关器(或匹配滤波器)组成,但其K个本地参考信号,不再是由求解K个独立的积分方程解出,而是由求解一K元联立积分方程组解出。

    The optimum detector still consists of K correlators . However , the K reference signals are no longer the solutions of K independent integral equa - tions but the solution of a group of K simultaneous integral equations .

  16. 经典电磁场非独立的场方程

    Dependent Field Equations in Classical Electromagnetic Field

  17. 借助于一个新引进的参数S,给出了一个独立的新方程,使这类问题的解决大为简化。

    By introducing a new parameter S and another independent equation , this kind of problems would be simplified .

  18. 从横观各向同性弹性力学的三维基本方程出发,通过引入两个位移函数和两个应力函数导出了两个独立的状态方程。

    Based on the three-dimensional elasticity equations for transverse isotropy , two independent state equations are derived by introducing two displacement functions and two stress functions .

  19. 对于一类同时存在扩散耦合和梯度耦合的非线性振子系统,通过空间傅里叶变换,得到具有不同波矢的各运动模式的相互独立的运动方程。

    For a coupled nonlinear oscillator system with diffusion and gradient couplings , spatial Fourier transformation is performed and the dynamic equations of various space modes are derived .

  20. 本文给出的在三维空间中经典电磁场非独立的场方程,就是使积分常数为零的初始条件。

    The dependent equations , given in this paper , of the classical electromagnetic field in three dimensional space are initial conditions that make the integral constant equal to zero .

  21. 同已有算法相比,该算法只需要求解两个相互独立的离散Riccati方程,可大大降低鲁棒滤波的计算和分析难度。

    Unlike other robust filters , this filter only needs to solve two independent Riccati difference equations . So it is simple and effective to calculate and analyze .

  22. 故障因子的独立性及故障方程的特性

    On the Independence of Fault Factors and the Feature of Fault Equation

  23. 结合宏观和微观模型,超晶格的纵向输运模型可以表达为以时间T为独立变量的微分方程组。

    Combining macroscopic model with microscopic one , the vertical transportable model of superlattice can be expressed as differential equations taking time t as unique variable .

  24. 本文从微极流体场方程出发,在润滑层的通常假设下,把它化简为两个独立的常微分方程组,并求得速度、微转动角速度的解析表达式。

    In this paper , the field equation of micropolar fluid with general lubrication theory assumptions is simplified into two systems of coupled ordinary differential equation .

  25. 层状压电压磁弹性材料的空间非轴对称问题:在柱坐标下,通过引入一组辅助变量,从它的控制方程推导出两组相互独立的状态变量方程。

    Non-axisymmetric problem : Two independent sets of the state vector equations are derived from its governing equations in a cylindrical coordinate system by introducing a set of auxiliary variables .