
  1. 基于GPS的高耸结构动态特性监测

    Monitoring dynamic characteristics of high-rising structures based on GPS technology

  2. 基于BP神经网络的升船机滑轮结构动态特性优化

    Dynamic Optimization of Pulley Based on BP Neural Network Model

  3. 基于APDL的柔性结构动态特性智能设计研究

    APDL Based Intelligent Dynamic Design for a Flexible Structure

  4. 本文提出了基于人工神经网络(ANN)技术的系统辨识方法,建立了能够比较精确反映结构动态特性的辨识模型。

    In this paper a system identification method based on the technology of the Artificial Neural Network ( ANN ) is proposed , which establishes the identification model reflecting the dynamic characteristics of structure accurately .

  5. 利用Linnik显微干涉技术测量微结构动态特性

    Measuring Dynamic Characterization of Micro-structures with Linnik Microscopic Interferometry

  6. 运用有限元方法计算了圆形通孔与分层两种损伤对复合材料结构动态特性的影响,尝试利用RBF(径向基函数)神经网络对损伤进行识别与定位,并取得不错的结果;

    The effect of perforation and delaminate damage to the structure 's dynamic characteristic was analyzed by FEM . RBF Neural Network was used to classify and locate the damage , and the result is properly well .

  7. 基于结构动态特性的磁力轴承转子系统的设计

    Design method of active magnetic bearings based on rotors structure dynamics

  8. 燃料电池车氢气辅助系统结构动态特性分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Hydrogen Auxiliary System Structure of Fuel Cell Vehicle

  9. 附加质量块对机床结构动态特性的影响研究

    The Influence Additional Mass on Dynamic Characteristic of Machine Tool Structure

  10. 高效柴油机整机结构动态特性有限元分析

    Finite element analysis on the dynamic characteristics of high efficiency diesel

  11. 磁场对铁磁结构动态特性的影响

    Effect of Magnetic Field on the Dynamic Behavior of Ferromagnetic Structures

  12. 高速轮胎试验机整体结构动态特性研究

    Dynamic Characteristic Study as a Whole of High-Speed Tire Experiment Machine

  13. 三维编织C/SIC复合材料结构动态特性研究

    Study on Dynamic Characteristics of 3D C / SIC Composite Structures

  14. 竖向非平稳地震下巨型框架有控结构动态特性分析

    Calculating Dynamic Response of Mega-Beam Subjected to Vertical and Non-Stable Earthquake

  15. 双筒剪力墙结构动态特性分析

    Dynamic characteristic analysis of double - tube shear wall structure

  16. 小波变换在去噪及结构动态特性分析中的应用研究

    Application Research of Wavelet Transform on Denoising and Structural Dynamic Characteristic Analysis

  17. 基于虚拟设计的铣头式机床主轴结构动态特性仿真分析

    Simulation Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics of Virtual Designed Machine Spindle

  18. 摊铺机振动梁结构动态特性设计研究

    Study on the Structural Dynamic Design of a Paver 's Vibrating Bar

  19. 机枪结构动态特性的优化研究

    Optimization Research on the Dynamic Characteristic of Machine Gun Structure

  20. 排气二分管罩的结构动态特性分析与改进

    Structual Dynamic Characteristics Analysis and Improvement for Two-way Branch Exhaust Pipe Shield

  21. 混凝土泵车冲击载荷对结构动态特性的影响

    Influence of structural dynamic characteristic by concrete pump truck 's impact load

  22. 门式起重机结构动态特性分析

    The Dynamic Characteristic Analysis on the Structure of Gantry Crane

  23. 桥式起重机活动司机室结构动态特性研究

    Research on structure dynamic character for an overhead crane 's movable cab

  24. 复杂结构动态特性的并行分布求解策略

    Parallel and Distributing Strategy to Solve Dynamic Characteristic of Complicated Mechanical Structure

  25. 纳米分辨率微动台机械结构动态特性的研究

    Dynamic Study on the Mechanical Structure of a Nano-resolution Stage

  26. 浮筏结构动态特性灵敏度分析及动力学修改

    Sensitivity Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics and Structure Modification of Floating Raft System

  27. 反作用轮扰动对航天器结构动态特性的影响分析

    Effects Analysis of Reaction Wheel Disturbance on Structure Dynamics Characters of Spacecraft

  28. 水平轴风力发电机结构动态特性的测试与分析

    Testing and analyzing of dynamic characteristic of horizontal - axis wind Turbine

  29. 一种满足结构动态特性要求的支持元件设计方法

    A New Method of Designing Support Elements under Given Structural Dynamic Characteristics

  30. 机车车体蒙皮结构动态特性分析

    Analysis on dynamic performance of cover structure of locomotive carbody