
  1. 70年代伊格尔顿深受阿尔都塞结构主义马克思主义的影响,主要致力于文本意识形态的探讨,试图建立科学的马克思主义批评体系。

    In70s , Eagleton is deeply influenced by Authusser , primarily concentrating on the relationship between literature text and ideology , and try to establish the scientific system of marxism criticism .

  2. 结构主义的马克思主义的成员多是上个世纪60年代加入《新左派评论》杂志的编辑。

    The most of members of the Structuralist Marxism are the editors of New Left Review , who mostly joined in the magazine in the 1960 's.

  3. 此外,由于《新左派评论》杂志一直是引领欧美左派理论和运动的旗帜,因此结构主义的马克思主义学派又表现出强烈的理论与实践相结合的意识。

    Moreover , since the fact that New Left Review is always the banner which guide the left theory and mass movement in Europe and America , the Structuralist Marxism has been having the strong consciousness to combine theory with practice .

  4. 构式语法的词的自主功能反观与二元语义结构结构主义的马克思主义

    An Analysis of Lexical Self-produced Functions and Dual Semantic Structure According to Construction Grammar

  5. 当他的这种准结构主义解释模型进入马克思主义哲学史研究领域时,的确给前苏东式思想史论以猛烈的冲击。

    When his hermeneutical model of quasi-structuralism enters the research field of Marxist philosophy history , it really gives a violent strike on former Soviet-Eastern European theory of thought history .