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jié cǎo
  • most sincere thanks and gratitude
结草 [jié cǎo]
  • [repay fovars received even after one's death] 受人大恩,死后也要报答

  • 臣生当陨首,死当结草。--李密《陈情表》

  1. 救了魏颗一命。夜里魏颗梦见老人对自己说:“我是你嫁出去的那个女人的父亲,结草绊倒杜回,是为了报答你对我女儿的救民之恩。”

    During the night , Wei Ke had a dream , and in his dream an old man said to him , " I am the father of the concubine that you saved by letting her to marry again . I made knots to trip down Du Hui because I wanted to reciprocate1 your kindness of saving my daughter . "

  2. 市场上的很多营养补充品都是从日本结草中提取白藜芦醇,而结草是一种既丰富又便宜的白藜芦醇来源。

    Many of the supplements on the market extract it from the Japanese knotweed plant , which is a plentiful and inexpensive source .

  3. P(SAG12)-ipt基因导入延缓中华结楼草衰老研究

    Study on Senescence Retarding Through P_ ( SAG12 ) - ipt Introduction into Zoysia Sinica Hance

  4. 继代培养基中添加一定浓度的甘露醇、麦芽糖和ABA以及延长继代时间有助于愈伤组织的胚性化。基本培养基MS更适于结缕草初生愈伤组织致密胚性化。

    Subculturing onto a medium supplemented with mannitol , maltose , or ABA and with prolonged subculture time promoted embryogenic callus induction .

  5. 上海结缕草JD-1和结缕草属几个主要坪用草种的ISSR指纹分析

    ISSR Fingerprinting Analysis of Shanghai Zoysia DJ-1 and Several Main Species of Lawn Using Zoysia

  6. 利用SEM技术证实预处理能够明显破坏木质纤维素的三维结构,提高离子液体对纤维素的提取能力;而碱性的增强能够提高离子液体对结缕草中纤维素的溶解效率。

    It was confirmed that pretreatment could significantly undermine the three-dimensional structure of lignocellulose to improve the extraction capacity of ionic liquids by SEM ; as alkaline enhanced , the efficiency of ionic liquids for cellulose dissolution from Zoysia japonica was improved .

  7. 土壤中有机质、速效N、总N、总P分别比对照增加16%、78%、61和140%,结缕草生物量比对照区高1倍。

    The contents of organic matter , available N , total N , and total P were higher than those under control by 16 % , 78 % , 61 % , and 140 % , respectively . The biomass of Zoysia japonica was increased two times a-gainst the control .

  8. AG-4仅在山东烟台、威海的草地早熟禾和结缕草上发现。

    AG-4 was isolated from Zoysia japonica and Poa pratensis , only in Yantai city and Weihai city , Shandong province .

  9. 结缕草种子预处理反应与耐藏性的探讨

    Approach of the pretreatment and preservation resistance of Zoysia japonica seed

  10. 4遮阴、低温是限制中华结缕草推广应用的主要逆境因子。

    Shadow and low-temperature are the major stress factors for Zoysia .

  11. 中华结缕草成熟胚的离体培养再生植株

    Plant Regeneration from Mature Embryo of Zoysia sinica in vitro

  12. 中华结缕草节间组织培养及无性系建立的研究

    Tissue Culture and Construction of Clones of Zoysia sinica Hance

  13. 沟叶结缕草草坪杂草化学防治研究

    Studies on Chemical Control of Weeds Grown in Manilagrass Turf

  14. 对天然结缕草草地放牧利用的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Natural Zoysia Japonica Pasture Grazing

  15. 延长结缕草草坪绿期的研究

    The Study of Prolonging Green Stage of Zoysia Japonica

  16. 结缕草愈伤组织诱导及植株再生

    Embryogenic Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration of Zoysia japonica

  17. 克隆植物结缕草在两种环境中的生长发育特征

    Growth and Development of the Clonal Plant Zoysia japonica in Two Environmental Conditions

  18. 结缕草的生长行为表现出很强的可塑性和觅养特性。

    The growth behavior of Zoysia japonica showed strong plasticity and foraging trait .

  19. 结缕草克隆植株的生长明显受到环境条件的影响。

    Environmental conditions had obvious impacts on the growth of Zoysia japonica clones .

  20. 杂交结缕草在青岛地区的引种栽培试验

    Cultivation and Introduction on Hybrid Strain of Zoysia japonica & Z.tenuifolia in Qingdao

  21. 结缕草主要居群营养器官比较解剖学研究

    Study on Comparative Anatomy of Vegetative Organs of Main Populations of Zoysia japonica

  22. 粪斑对结缕草放牧草地根系层土壤氮素的影响

    Impacts of dung pats on nitrogen in root-layer soils of Zoysia japonica pasture

  23. 日本结缕草转基因技术研究进展

    Progress in the application of transgenic technology on Zoysia japonica Impression on Japan

  24. 结缕草种子(颖果)解除休眠前后的颖显微结构

    Glume Microstructure of Zoysia japonica Seeds ( Caryopsis ) Before and After Breaking Dormancy

  25. 结缕草草坪冬季追播多年生黑麦草的效果研究

    A Study of Winter-overseeding on Zoysia sp. Turf

  26. 氮肥对结缕草种子生产影响的研究

    A Study on the Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Seed Yield of Zoysia Japonica

  27. 施肥对杂交结缕草成坪期草坪质量综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation of the Effect of Fertilizer Application on Hybrid Zoysia Quality during Turf Stage

  28. 细叶结缕草锈病的研究

    A study on rust of Zoysia tenuifolia

  29. 1建立了一套高效的中华结缕草再生体系。

    The results as follows : 1 . An efficient regenerating system of Zoysia was established .

  30. 辽东半岛不同生境天然结缕草种群冬眠构件的结构

    Structure of dormancy modules of Zoysia japonica populations in different habitats in Liaodong peninsula , China