
  • 网络Settlement Cycle;settlement period;settlement interval
  1. 国际各期货交易所和结算机构纷纷采用动态保证金制度来管理风险,并运用日中保证金制度来缩短结算周期。

    To control risk and shorten settlement period , Now the foreign future exchanges and clearing houses , apply the dynamic margin system and intraday margin widely .

  2. 目前还不清楚为何中国监管机构决定实行如此短的结算周期。

    It is not clear why Chinese regulators decided on such a short settlement cycle .

  3. 缴费将按照您常规的ups或信用卡结算周期进行。

    Billing will follow your regular UPS or credit card billing cycles .

  4. 当然,房地产行业的项目结算周期也是一个因素。

    Of course , the real estate industry project billing cycle is also a factor .

  5. 不过,由此产生的效果必然是,通过确保只有那些拥有金牌操作能力的机构才能应对超短的结算周期,中国在开盘钟声敲响之前就已实现了确保参与者素质越高越好的目标。

    But the effect surely is that by ensuring only those institutions with gold-plated operational capabilities can cope with the ultra-short settlement cycle , China has ensured a race to the top in quality of participants even before the opening bell .

  6. 结算则以工序定额为基础,分别采用生产指令确定法和监督现场签认法结算试油周期及费用;

    As for the settlement , based on the working sequence quota , the verification method of operation orders and the field signature methods of supervisors are used to settle the cycle and cost of production test respectively .