
  • 网络time series;temporal order;time-scale
  1. 利用小波变换域主分量分解法从一维时间序重构混沌吸引子。

    Charotic attractors are reconstructed from one dimensional time series based on wavelet transform domain PCA .

  2. 融合时间序列与横剖面模式之分析结果显示,资本投入只对营业额有正向影响,但其变动量并不具任何影响性;

    The Time Series Cross-Section Regression-TSCS results show that investment inputs have positive effects on revenues , but their growth does not .

  3. 基于时间序无圈有向图的多准则优化成像调度

    Multicriteria Optimal Imaging Scheduling Based on Time Ordered Acyclic Directed Graph

  4. 实验总时间序与次序统计量的随机比较

    The Total Time on Test Transform Orders and Stochastic Comparison of Order Statistics

  5. 生物波的时间序&生物波钟

    The Temporal Order of Biological Waves-Biological Wave Clock

  6. 我的论文随着这些时期的生长以时间序次睁开,以便搪塞美国文学史的孕育发生和生长纲领能有一个清楚的条理。

    My piece of paper is written in chronological order as these periods developed in order to have a clear outline of its progress .

  7. 另外我们通过时间序,详细地研究了ZnS/CuS花状异质结的形成机理,并揭示了其微观结构与性能的关系。

    In addition , the formation mechanisms of the flakes and flower-like ZnS / CuS heterojunctions were also studied in detail by tuning the reaction time and temperature . Finally the relationship of the microstructure and the performance was revealed .

  8. [结论]对发病率时间序例呈单调下降且影响发病的主要因素保持稳定的一类传染病,采用指数曲线拟合进行疫情预测,具有可行性与可操作性,在实际工作中值得应用。

    [ Conclusion ] It was feasible and practical to use the exponential curve fitting to predict the infectious disease which maintained the stability of influence factors of catching the disease and whose time series of the incidence rate decreased monotonically .

  9. 最后,以时间为序,分别阐述了NBA劳资双方对上述三项权力斗争的发展历程和具体内容。

    Finally , This paper sets forth the developing course and specific content of these three rights in time order .

  10. 案例部分以时间为序,介绍了2000年到2001年间,中德合资企业SIM移动电话公司的市场营销管理问题。

    In " the case " , the marketing management status of SIM Mobile Phones Company from 2000 to 2001 is presented in time sequence .

  11. 以九国崛起的大致时间为序。

    The sequence approximately coincides with the succession of9 rising powers .

  12. 许多组织常常会生成大量以时间为序的数据流。

    Organizations are excellent at generating vast flows of time-sequenced data .

  13. 同时结合乐观机制来克服小概率的时间失序。

    The optimistic synchronization is used to overcome disorder with little probability .

  14. 基于时间错序量测的多目标多传感器跟踪算法研究

    Research of Algorithm with Out-of-Sequence Measurements in Multi-target Multisensor Tracking Time is

  15. 时间句序与英汉翻译

    Time is * Temporal clause order and English-Chinese translation

  16. 全文以时间为序,共分为四个部分。

    According to the time order , the paper consists of four parts .

  17. 书中的章节并不完全以时间为序,让人感觉有些混乱。

    Confusingly , the chapters are only partially chronological .

  18. 采用以时间为序的字典似索引结构,便于回放数据时精确定位快速查找;2.雷达数据回放功能。

    Using a index structure like dictionary , easy to search and replay the suited data quickly . 2 .

  19. 建国以来民俗体育的发展状况,本文以时间为序将其分为三个阶段。

    The paper divided the folk sports since the founding of China into three stages in the order of time .

  20. 方法50例患者采用等候对照法,以入院时间为序,随机分为治疗组与对照组。

    Methods Fifty patients were randomly divided into treatment and control groups by a waiting control method in order of hospitalization .

  21. 以时间为序,作者分析了孟子在宋国、滕国、魏国、齐国的言论。

    In the sequence of the time , the author analyzes Mencius ' words in Kingdom Song , Teng , Wei and Qi .

  22. 以时间为序,分别论述汉末三国、两晋、南北朝战争诗。

    In time to sequence , discussed The war poetry in late Han , Three Kingdoms , Jin , Northern and Southern Dynasties .

  23. 相关时间和序参量是表征自旋探针标记大分子运动与分布的两个重要参数。

    The correlation time and S order parameter are two important parameters to characterize the moving and distribution of the spin labeled macromolecule .

  24. 第三章以时间为序,分析了不同时期观众审美接受心理的变化所带来的叙事策略的相应变化。

    In chronological order , the third chapter analyzes the corresponding change of the narrative-tactics caused by the audience 's accepting-mentality change in the process of aesthetic appreciation .

  25. 文章首先是以时间为序,分教派的论述了其在内蒙古地区的传播状况,重点是介绍了天主教在当地活动的情况。

    At beginning , it discusses the propagation of all Christianity in Inner Mongolia in times , it emphasis on the situation about the activity of Catholicism in this area .

  26. 当罗列曾从事的事情时,一般按时间秩序序进行报告,从最近的开始写,然后往前推。

    When you are listing any jobs you have had , it is common to do this in reverse chronological order ; listing your most recent job first and working backwards .

  27. 本文采用叙议结合的史论方法,以时间为序,分明前期、明中期、明后期三个阶段进行论述。

    This article uses the historical treatise method of narrate discussion union , take the time as the foreword and divides it into early period , middle period and last period .

  28. 通过位置相关函数、速度时空演化图、驰豫时间和序参量的计算,研究优先随机慢化对交通流的影响。

    By computing the spatial correlation function , the evolution plots of velocity , the relaxation time and the order parameter , the effect of top-priority of randomization on traffic flow is studied .

  29. 本文先从情节观念的变化历程谈起,以时间为序,分为三个部分,在每个部分里又兼论了中西之间的差异。

    This article discusses the changes in the concept of history about the circumstances , the time sequence is divided into three parts , each part in another part of the difference between Chinese and Western .

  30. 在以史笔自律的僧侣作者笔下,基于朴素的历史构造思维,原来以空间地域为线索的记录碎片,被编译进以时间为序的事件流程,成为故事。

    Some monk authors were self-disciplined on historical writing technique . In their writings , based on simple historically structural thinking ," recording " fragments clued by regions became stories at last through compiling them into time-sequenced flows of events .