
  • 网络Structured Cabling Systems;pds;SCs
  1. 图书馆结构化综合布线系统的设计与实施

    The design and actualizing of cabling in library Structured Cabling Systems and Intelligent Building

  2. SPDS(StructuredPremisesDistributionSystem,结构化综合布线系统)建筑物与建筑物或建筑物内部之间的传输网络。

    SPDS ( Structured Premises Distribution System ) is a building and building or building of transfer between the network .

  3. 本方案选用LucentTechnologiesSYSTIMAXSCS结构化综合布线系统,作为齐鲁医院院区网的信息通路和网络传输平台。

    Lucent Technologies SYSTIMAX SCS are chosen as a communication pathway and transmission control platform of Qi-lu hospital intranet .

  4. 详细介绍了智能大厦及结构化综合布线系统的基本概念,对综合布线系统的测试技术,尤其是对Fluke测试报告进行了详细的分析与描述。

    This text detailed introduced that the basic concept of intelligent building and generic cable system , proceed with detailed analysis and describe for the testing technique of generic cable system and Fluke testing report .

  5. 结构化综合布线系统的可持续发展浅析

    Analysis of the continuable development of Structure Cable System

  6. 智能化建筑物布线的必然发展趋势&建筑物结构化综合布线系统

    The Inevitable Trend of Wiring in Intelligent Buildings ── Building Structured Comprehensive Wiring System

  7. 一种全新的智能建筑电气布线模式&结构化综合布线系统

    A New Type of Electrical Cabling Model for Intelligent Buildings & Premises Distribution System

  8. 结构化综合布线系统是智能大楼的基础,它涉及建筑、通讯与计算机等多个领域。

    Structured cabling system ( SCS ) is the base of intelligent building , which involve architecture field , communication field , computer field , and so on .

  9. 结合乔波冰雪世界滑雪馆工程实例说明结构化综合布线系统的设计思想及其应用。

    This article combines with the project of ski Hall of Qiaobo ice-snow world to show the application of the structural comprehensive wiring system and the design philosophy .

  10. 详细介绍了智能大厦结构化综合布线系统中各子系统的具体设计方法,为其他企业相关工程设计作为参考

    Introduces a design of structured cabling system to intelligent building and each subsystem design of the detail , which takes reference to be related to project of another enterprise

  11. 智能建筑是楼宇自动化系统、通信自动化系统和办公自动化系统三者通过结构化综合布线系统和计算机网络技术的有机集成,其中建筑环境是智能建筑的支持平台。

    Intelligence architecture is the organic integration of building , communication and office automation system using comprehensive wiring system and computer network . The architecture environment is the support platform of intelligence architecture .

  12. 文章阐述了结构化综合布线系统的技术概况,介绍了三峡通航管理大楼办公自动化与通信自动化综合布线系统的技术方案、实施细节。

    This paper illustrates the general technical conditions of Structure Cable System , and introduces the project and practice of Structure Cable System of office automation and communication automation in the building of Sanxia Shipping Management Building .

  13. 通过对过去沿用的分散式布线系统的分析,说明结构化综合布线系统产生的根源在于:大量的电话和计算机网络系统电缆需要可靠并有序终结及灵活管理,并且独立于某一个具体的网络应用。

    Based on comparison with traditional cable distribution system this paper gives an introduction to the invention of the advanced polytechnic cable distribution system originated from the demand of the many telephone system and computer network system for reliable and flexible cable system .

  14. 文章结合西昌学院校园网综合布线系统的设计,对结构化综合布线系统各子系统进行了分析,并结合校园网实际阐述了应用中的思路,旨在建立一个高性能、低成本的校园网。

    This paper combines the design of Premises Distribution System in xichang college campus network , and analyses the Subsystem of structural Premises Distribution System , and expound the route in practice applying with campus network , in order to built an efficient and low cost campus network .