
  • 网络Broadband Access Server;bras;Broadband Remote Access Server;BAS;BNAS
  1. 中兴宽带接入服务器的稳定可靠性探讨

    Discussion on Stability and Reliability of ZTE Bras

  2. 宽带接入服务器的选择配置和应用

    The Selection , Configuration and Application of BRAS

  3. 目前,IP承载网使用到的主流产品包括核心路由器、业务路由器、核心路由交换机、宽带接入服务器、防火墙、用户业务网关等。

    Main stream productspresentlyused in IP bearer network include core router , service router , core route switch , broadband access server , firewall , user service gateway , etc.

  4. 用宽带接入服务器(BAS)作为分布式审计代理实现城域网(MAN)上的主动式安全审计系统。

    A broadband access server ( BAS ) was used as auditing agent to implement a distributed security auditing system on metropolitan area network ( DSASMAN ) .

  5. 最后介绍了该OSS子系统在宽带接入服务器产品中的应用实例,并指出该OSS需要改进的地方。

    At last , this paper gives the application of OSS in the BAS ( Broad-band Access Server ) product and points out what need to be improved .

  6. 结合铁通IP城域网的建设,对IP城域网的规划设计做一说明,重点介绍了IP城域网中IP地址、VLANID、路由策略的规划设计,以及宽带接入服务器(BRAS)的应用。

    Based on the construction of IP MAN of CTT , the planning and design of IP MAN is discussed . The IP address , VLAN ID , design of routing policy and application of BRAS are highlighted in this paper .

  7. 传统的宽带接入服务器往往不提供VPDN业务,本文设计的宽带接入服务器的VPDN模块用于电信接入网,该VPDN模块在网络第二层(数据链路层)上实现。

    The broadband remote access server BRAS designed in this paper provides VPDN function supported by layer 2 tunnel protocol , while traditional ones do not .

  8. 虚拟专网VPN功能等。解决这些问题要求引入宽带接入服务器(BNAS),或者称为综合接入服务器(UAS)。

    All the problems can be settled by accessing the Broadband Network Access Server ( BNAS ) or the Universal Access Server ( UAS ) at the edge of backbone network .

  9. 重点对宽带接入服务器BRAS的系统要求,扩展功能,组网应用,特别是PPPOE协议在宽带接入服务器BRAS中的技术实现做了深入探讨。

    It gives a profound analysis on the realization of the BRAS technology , focusing on the BRAS system requirement , its expansion function , networking application as well as PPPOE protocol .

  10. 通过明确宽带接入服务器BRAS在宽带城域网中的定位及其在网络中的作用,确定了宽带IP城域网优化建设的关键是宽带接入服务器BRAS的优化。

    Making clear the positioning and the function of the broadband access server ( BRAS ) in the broadband metropolitan network , the paper determines that the key of the broadband IP metropolitan network optimization is the optimization of the BRAS .

  11. 介绍了ADSL技术及其组网结构、业务模式、封装协议、局域网接入方式等内容,着重指出了ADSL组网时应注意的系统定位、DSLAM配置、宽带接入服务器配置、网络传送模式、用户计费等问题。

    This paper introduces ADSL technology and its network structure , service mode , biding protocal , local network access , etc. It mainly discusses its system position , DSLAM , broadband access service equipment , network transmission mode and client payment .

  12. 浅谈吉林铁通城域网中宽带接入服务器的建设

    Construction of Broad Band Access Server in Jilin CRC 's Metropolitan Area Network

  13. 宽带接入服务器备份和负载分担网络方案的研究

    The Study of the Scheme for the Redundancy and Load-sharing of Broadband Access Server

  14. 宽带接入服务器结合网络设备实现了认证计费管理功能。

    The broadband access server combined the network equipments can realize functions of charging , authentication and management .

  15. 宽带远程接入服务器(BRAS)是DSLForum在下一代DSL接入体系中占重要地位的新型接入网关。

    Broadband Remote Access Server is a new type of access server which is very important in the next generation DSL access model designed by DSL Forum .