
  1. P波增宽对冠心病的诊断价值

    The diagnose value of broadened P wave for coronary heart disease

  2. 目的:探讨P波增宽对冠心病的诊断价值。

    Objective : To study the diagnose value of broadened P wave for coronary heart disease .

  3. 通过调研工作区的区域地质概况以及样品中的矿物特征,选取合适的测量道宽对元素的特征X射线进行测量。

    The selection of suitable channel width is according to regional geological outline and mineral features .

  4. 本文选定以保偏膜式光学玻璃电流传感器(BulkGlassOpticalCurrentSensor:BGOCS)为研究对象,研究了光源谱宽对其输出的影响。

    This paper focuses on the effect of spectral width of the optical source on the output of Bulk Glass Optical Current Sensor ( BGOCS ) .

  5. 缝宽对LiNbO3∶Fe晶体中写入波导的影响

    Effect of Slit Width on the Writing Waveguide in LiNbO_3 ∶ Fe Crystal

  6. 板宽对4辊CVC热轧机板形控制能力的影响

    Influence of Strip Width on Shape Control Capability of 4 - high CVC Hot Strip Mill

  7. Ku波段宽带双频双极化微带天线阵行波电吸收调制器中脊宽对频带宽度的影响

    Wideband Dual-frequency and Dual-polarization Microstrip Antenna Array at Ku-band Influence of Ridge Width on Its Frequency Bandwidth of Traveling-wave Electroabsorption Modulators

  8. 计算了氮气、一氧化碳的CARS谱,讨论了泵浦光和斯托克斯光线宽对谱线形状的影响,研究了氮气、一氧化碳的CARS光谱与温度、浓度的关系。

    The CARS spectra of nitrogen and carbon monoxide are calculated , the effect of laser linewidth of pump and stokes on the CARS spectra is discussed , and the relation of the CARS spectra with concentration , temperature is investigated .

  9. 利用电压型PWM整流器的数学模型分析了PWM整流器直接功率控制(DPC)的原理,讨论了功率滞环比较器环宽对PWM整流器的影响。

    The direct power control ( DPC ) principle of three-phase boost-type PWM rectifiers based on the mathematical model of PWM rectifiers was analyzed . The effect of the hysteresis wide of power hysteresis comparators on the properties of the PWM rectifiers was discussed .

  10. 条宽对半导体激光器理想因子测量结果的影响

    Effect of Strip-width on the Measured Ideality Factor of Laser Diode

  11. 阱宽对抛物量子阱的影响

    The Effect of Well Wideth on the Parabolic Quantum Well

  12. 厢宽对水气平衡栽培水稻农艺性状和产量的影响

    The influence of plot-width on agro-characteristics and yields of rice water-air-balance cultivation

  13. 行波电吸收调制器中脊宽对频带宽度的影响

    Influence of Ridge Width on Its Frequency Bandwidth of Traveling-wave Electroabsorption Modulators

  14. 条带采宽对地表沉陷影响的数值模拟研究

    Numerical Simulation Study on Effect of the Strip Width on the Surface Subsidence

  15. 显式动力学有限元法分析板宽对板带轧制压力分布的影响

    Analysis of strip rolling pressure distribution for different width by explicit dynamic FEM

  16. 光束束宽对自散焦介质中诱导光束聚焦的影响

    Influence of Beam Widths on the Induced Focusing of Optical Beams in Self-Defocusing Nonlinear Media

  17. 粗轧切深孔楔宽对犬骨状轧件凸缘高度影响的研究

    Effect of wedge width of cogging-down pass on beam edge height of dog bone bloom-blank

  18. 颈围及舌高和舌宽对阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征的影响

    The effect of cervical circumference , lingual height and lingual width on the obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome

  19. 高斯光束束宽对抛物型发散梯度折射率纤维透镜成像的影响

    The Effect of Gaussian Optical Beam Width on the Imaging of a Divergent Parabolic GRIN Fiber Lens

  20. 电子枪功率与束宽对金属原子蒸气特性的影响

    The influence of electron gun 's power and electron beam 's width on metal atom vapor physical parameters

  21. 分析了波谱响应函数和波宽对红外数据反演地表温度的影响。

    This article analyzes the influence of band spectral response function and band width to land surface temperature inversion .

  22. 我们还对啁啾系数、光束腰宽对加速的影响进行了分析。

    The influence of chirp coefficient and beam waist width over electron acceleration was also analyzed in this paper .

  23. 研究结果表明,轧件的腿腰延伸比和腿宽对金属的流动趋势有明显的影响。

    The research shows that the elongation ratio between flange and webandthe width of flange had significant effects onthe metal flow .

  24. 光纤放大器中宽带脉冲传输特性研究行波电吸收调制器中脊宽对频带宽度的影响

    Study of Propagation Properties of Ultrabroad-Bandwidth Pulse in Fiber Amplifiers ; Influence of Ridge Width on Its Frequency Bandwidth of Traveling-wave Electroabsorption Modulators

  25. 粒重与垩白性状呈显著正相关,粒宽对外观品质的影响最大;

    The significant positive correlations between grain weight and chalkiness was tested , the effect of grain width on appearance quality was the biggest ;

  26. 光刻的最细线宽对所加工的二元微器件性能起决定作用。微光学技术及其发展

    The smallest linewidth produced by laser lithography plays an important role in the properties of the micro optical elements . Micro - optical technology and its development

  27. 详细讨论并利用理论模型解释改变臂长和臂宽对双左手通带的调制作用。

    The tunability of dual left-handed bands by changing the arms ' length or width is investigated , and the mechanism is elucidated with a theoretical model .

  28. 采用实验的方法对板宽对板形的影响进行了较为系统的研究,发现了板凸度随板宽变化的一些规律。

    The method is used in this paper to study the influence of plate width on plate shape , and some varying rules of crown with plate width are discovered .

  29. 结果表明:切缝数增加可提高透磁性和均匀性;增大缝宽对透磁性影响不明显,但降低均匀性;

    The results show the growth of slit number can enhance penetrability and uniformity in the magnetic field , the growth of slit width has little influence on magnetic susceptibility , but it can lower the uniformity .

  30. 在此基础上,对影响饱和流率的部分因素的修正系数进行了标定,基于车道宽对车速的影响程度确定车道宽修正系数。

    By this models , this paper calibrates some factors which affect the saturation flow rate , and calibrates the revision coefficient fw on the basis of the relationship between the road width and the bus velocity .