
  1. 他身宽腿细。

    He has a large body , but thin legs .

  2. 来自洛杉矶的设计师罗塞塔盖蒂(RosettaGetty)推出由纯棉衬衣式长款连衣裙、无袖羊绒衫以及宽腿七分裤构成的休闲款奢侈装后,拥趸趋之若鹜——随着气温不断转凉,它们是随箱携带的理想行头。

    LA-based Rosetta Getty is attracting fans with a version of laid-back luxury delivered in the shape of long cotton shirt-dresses , sleeveless cashmere cardigans and wide-leg cropped trousers - all ideal for layering as temperatures fall .

  3. 穿宽腿裤可以拉长你的身体框架。

    Wear wide-leg trousers to elongate your frame .

  4. 4.选择合适的宽腿裤

    Step 4 Choose the right pants

  5. 29岁的艾森博格穿着蓝色T恤和运动鞋,华希科沃斯卡穿着黑色的长袖上衣和宽腿裤,这对情侣被拍到在街上漫步,看上去更像是一对相爱的夫妻。

    With Eisenberg , 29 , in a blue T-shirt and sneakers and Wasikowska covered up in a black long-sleeved top and wide-legged pants , the pair was also snapped strolling the city streets looking very much like a couple in love .

  6. 训练中,先两肩同宽,然后伤腿向前一步。

    In this exercise , start with both feet shoulder-width apart , and then step forward with one foot .