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  1. 乱神与祖先&汉苗传说中的蚩尤形象比较

    " The Rebellious God " and " The Ancestor " & A Comparative Study of the Different Images of Chi You in Legends of Han and Miao Nationality

  2. 明清以来,汉苗两支顾氏宗族共同发展,一方面承继了中原的汉族文化,另一方面促进了汉苗民族文化的融合。

    From Ming and Qing dynasties , the two branches had a common development . They inherited the culture of the Hans of Central Plains on the one hand and promoted the introjections of the cultures of the Hans and the Miaos on the other .

  3. 比较我国汉、苗、傣族龙舟竞渡文化之异同

    Comparison of Dragon-boat Race Culture among Nationalities of Han , Miao and Dai in China

  4. 贵阳郊区汉、苗、布依族乳母营养状况及乳中营养素含量的调查

    Its content is : I. investigation on nutritional status of lactating mothers and content of

  5. 游移于汉、苗文化罅隙之间的歌者&论苗族诗人何小竹的区域文化特质

    A Combination of Cultures of Han Nationality and Miao Nationality & On the Cultural Feature of HE Xiao-zhu , A Poet of Miao Nationality

  6. 十九世纪末二十纪初,基督教开始传入中国西南少数民族地区,汉、苗、傈僳等民族的部分群众相继皈依基督教。

    At the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century , Christianity was introduced into Ethnic minority areas in southwest China , some Han people and such minority groups as Miao , Lisu converted to Christianity one after another .

  7. 这些文化与相邻或混居在一起的汉、苗、侗、白、佤等民族的民族文化艺术交流融合而发展自成一体。

    These culture with close together or mix to reside together of other races such an Han , Miao , Tong , white , Wa etc. , the art exchanges of the race cultural of the race fusion but development from become integral whole .

  8. 汉借词与苗语固有词的语义变化

    Semantic Changes of Chinese Loanwords and Own Words in Miao Language

  9. 原生态民族文化需要不断创新和发展&以汉文化对黔东南苗侗农耕文化的影响为例

    The Original Ecological Ethnic Culture Needs Innovation and Development & Take the Influence of the Han Culture on the Southeast Guizhou Miao and Dong Farming Culture as Example