
  • 网络the great chinese dictionary;the chinese dictionary
  1. 《汉语大词典》漏收典故研究

    Researches on the Literary Quotations Left out In Great Chinese Dictionary

  2. 《汉语大词典》在收释同义复词上存在的问题

    Problems Existing in The Unabridged Chinese Dictionary on Including-interpreting Synonymy

  3. 优美的语言,这是《国际标准汉语大词典》的解释。

    Graceful speech ; ( A Dictionary of International Standard Chinese ) .

  4. 《汉语大词典》在相关条目方面比较突出地表现出非相关性。

    Related items in Chinese Dictionary promptly show the non-related .

  5. 从明清小说中俗语词的大量事实来考查,《汉语大词典》中释义有误或不确切的词目,至少在11例以上。

    The Great Chinese Dictionary has at least 11 mistakes .

  6. 论《汉语大词典》的严重缺陷

    On the Serious Defects of " Chinese Dictionary "

  7. 《汉语大词典》之元曲疑难词语释义辨正

    Differentiation and Rectification of Explanations of Knotty Yuan Opera Expressions in Chinese Dictionary

  8. 《汉语大词典》订补

    Supplements and Correction to the Great Dictionary of Chinese

  9. 讨论《汉语大词典》所收元曲词语释义存在的问题,以补辞书之疏漏。

    Problems are discussed of explanations of Yuan opera expressions in Chinese Dictionary .

  10. 《汉语大词典》书证前补(三)

    Supplementary Corrections to the Chinese Dictionary ( 3 )

  11. 最后一章封《汉语大词典》的若干关误进行了补正。

    The last chapter some que of " Chinese Dictionary " error were corrected .

  12. 《汉语大词典》在检索与索引方面的缺陷

    The Deficiencies of " Chinese dictionary " on the Retrieval and the Index Aspect

  13. 《汉语大词典》补三例&以方言和文献为据

    Three Example Supplements to the Great Chinese Dictionary & Taking Dialect and Documents as Evidence

  14. 目的为今后《汉语大词典》的修订提供参考。

    The purpose is to provide reference for the revision of An Unabridged Chinese Dictionary .

  15. 本文为《汉语大词典》收录的若干条明清戏曲、小说中使用的词语增补漏略的义项

    Addenda to several words for their semantic items in the Grand Chinese Dictionary in this paper

  16. 从《敦煌愿文集》看《汉语大词典》的收词释义问题

    A Study of Vocabulary and Their Definition in Chinese Dictionary from Collection of Dunhuang Praying Texts

  17. 考察《汉语大词典》在释义不确及义项阙失方面存在的不足。

    Inspects " the Grand Dictionary of Chinese Language " the insufficiency which exists in meaning items .

  18. 《汉语大词典》的书证与释义有不一致之处。

    There were some differences between the documented evidence and semantic items in The Grand Chinese Dictionary .

  19. 第三可补《汉语大词典》缺漏及提前其例证。

    Third , it can fill " Chinese dictionary " omission and take its example in advance .

  20. 《汉语大词典》引释《易林》词条校勘意见

    My Collation of Some Citations from Yi Lin as in Entries in A Dictionary of the Chinese Language

  21. 《汉语大词典》漏收的二程语录词语义项补释9则

    Study on Term of Meaning in the Quotations from Two-Cheng Which are not Collected in the Great Chinese Dictionary

  22. 由于《汉语大词典》均失收,特胪列于此,以供讨论。

    As the new words are not collected in The Chinese Words Dictionary , we list them here for discussion .

  23. 文中所列举的每一条词语,都逐一与《汉语大词典》作了对照,并查阅其他文献进行比较。

    Each word listed in the article is contrasted with the dictionary one by one and compared with other literatures .

  24. 《潜夫论》并列复词逆序词与《汉语大词典》编纂

    Inverted Coordinate Compound Words in " Qian Fu Lun " and the Compilation of " the Unabridged Chinese Dictionary "

  25. 由此可见,《汉语大词典》要想真正成为集古今汉语语词之大成的语料库,还是有着一定距离的。

    Therefore , something has yet to be done for the dictionary to become the corpus of all the Chinese words .

  26. 对于这两个词,《汉语大词典》和《辞源》的解释是值得商榷的。

    The explanation of these two terms in The Great Chinese Dictionary and Chinese Etymology Dictionary needs to be further investigated .

  27. 《汉语大词典》是我国第一部大型多卷本汉语语词词典,它的完成是我国辞书编纂史上一个空前的盛举。

    The Grand Chinese Dictionary is the first multi-volume Chinese dictionary , is an unprecedented grand event of dictionary compilation history .

  28. 研究成果对《汉语大词典》佛教文献类书证的修订有重要参考价值。

    The results of this research have an important reference value for revising the citations of Buddhist literature in the Dictionary .

  29. 同时,本论文兼论了《汉语大词典》、《汉语方言大词典》等大型辞书的若干阙失。

    Simultaneously , the dissertation discusses several shortcomings of such large-scale lexicology of Great Chinese Dictionary , Great Chinese Dialects Dictionary .

  30. 据对照,这224个复音连词有约四成是《汉语大词典》所未收的。

    About forty percent of the 224 polysyllabic conjunctions have not been included in the Chinese Dictionary ( unabridged ) by comparison .