- excuse;forgive;pardon

[forgive;pardon;excuse] 宽容;饶恕
It is Patience & when your neighbor is curt .
Catholicism has suited them , with its emphasis on sin and exoneration rather than guilt and shame .
But to thee , the Lord our God , mercy and forgiveness , for we have departed from thee .
" The Sunk Ship " by Tagore exhibits asceticism and portrays of an ideal personality of forbearing , forgiving and being altruistic .
It calls on strengthening supervision for them under the circumstances of overall clemency for youthful offenders . Part ⅱ, juvenile criminal legislative policy .
Based on the physical characteristics of female , rulers invented particular instruments of torture and penalties for female , adopting comparatively less harsh treatment .
The introduction of character evidence in juveniles ' restorative justice has manifested the criminal law to excuses the juvenile offenders and to their human nature consideration .
I suppose the reason is that we know all the circumstances that have occasioned them and so manage to excuse in ourselves what we cannot excuse in others .
On this basis , I analysis the development of the elderly preferential treatment , from the ancient criminal legislation for the elderly forgiveness to now elderly enjoy a broad right of preferential treatment .
What should be pointed out is that the nature of this system is to maintain feudalism and there are some defects , which may limit the litigious rights and qualification of witness of the aged , in it too .