
kuān fàn
  • broad;covering a wide range
宽泛 [kuān fàn]
  • [broad] [意义]涉及的面宽

  • 这个词的涵义很宽泛

宽泛[kuān fàn]
  1. 实用主义是一个涵盖了许多潜在理论立场的非常宽泛的、不精确的概念。

    Utilitarianism is a very broad , imprecise concept that covers a multitude of underlying theoretical positions .

  2. Prototype是一种相当宽泛的库,具有很多功能。

    Prototype is a fairly broad library , with lots of functionality .

  3. 联合国还将被赋予宽泛的监督职责。

    The UN will also be given a loose oversight role .

  4. 并不多。他们不能提供能把大脑分类为“男性”或“女性”的证据,而研究表明,大脑分布在一个很宽泛的范围内,大多数人的大脑其实都处在中间的位置。

    Not much . Rather than offer evidence for categorizing brains as " male " or " female , " research shows that brains fall into a wide range , with most people falling right in the middle .

  5. 预嘱可以很具体也可以很宽泛。

    A living will can be very specific or very general .

  6. “埃及日”背后有宽泛的天文学理论作为支撑。

    Behind the concept of Egyptian days lies the wider discipline of astrology .

  7. 嗜巧克力成瘾这种症状有医疗依据支持,但“巧克力狂”用来形容一个人非常爱吃巧克力时,使用范围很宽泛,也充满幽默感。

    There is some medical evidence to support the existence of actual addiction2 to chocolate . However , the term is mostly used loosely or humorously to describe a person who is inordinately3 fond of chocolate .

  8. 不过,也有手办套装展现的是更加宽泛的主题,有恐怖片、科幻片、魔幻片、电视和漫画书中的人物,也有原创艺术作品中的人物,还有现存套装模型升级换代的版本。

    However , kits are produced depicting6 a wide range of subjects , from characters from horror , science fiction , fantasy films , television and comic books to original works of art , as well as upgrade and conversion7 kits for existing models .

  9. 在这方面,ProcessServer尤显特殊,因它具有与开发的很多阶段都相关的一系列宽泛的功能。

    Process Server is unusual in this respect because it houses a broad array of capabilities that are relevant at many stages of development .

  10. 扩展这些代码来提供更宽泛的处理并不复杂,而您得到的却是为Web页面使用任何提要的机会。

    Expanding the code to provide more extensive processing should not be complicated , and you have the opportunity to use any feed with your Web page .

  11. 同时,改性氧化镁对酸碱依赖性不强,有较宽泛的使用范围(pH为2-12)。

    Modified magnesia depended little on pH and it could be used in broad pH area , that was 2 to 12 .

  12. 一名GP和患者可以有一个宽泛的选择。

    GP and patient may have a wide choice .

  13. 如果您在更宽泛的责任上下文中具有对XML工具功能的偶发需求,那么以上指导将会很有用。

    The above guidance works quite well if you have an occasional need for an XML tool capability in the context of a broader set of responsibilities .

  14. Catalyst对商业变化持一种宽泛的,高级的观点,它最终引导出系统解决方案;它为变化提供整体框架。

    Catalyst takes a broad , high-level view of business change that ultimately drives the system solution ; it provides a holistic framework for the change initiative .

  15. 而Microsoft凭借其在开发者方面的传统强势与其宽泛的工具集提供了可能是最庞大的一系列服务。

    And Microsoft is leveraging its traditional strength with developers and the breadth of its tools to create perhaps the largest array of services .

  16. PHP网站:访问这个PHP最佳参考资料,PHP是一个应用广泛、目的宽泛的脚本语言,尤其适合web开发。

    PHP site : Visit the best reference for PHP , a widely used , general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development .

  17. 但IMF报告谈到的是更为宽泛的问题,即银行和其他金融机构应该在健康的经济体中扮演多大的角色?

    But the IMF research tackles the broader question of how big a role banks and other financial institutions should play in healthy economies .

  18. 由于软件资产是较为宽泛的术语,RAS还提供了用于描述特定资产类型的概要。

    Because a software asset is a broad term , RAS also provides profiles used to describe specific types of assets .

  19. 本文更宽泛的目标是展示如何使用JSP标记文件针对具体需求生成JavaScript代码,而非只是Ajax例程。

    The broader goal of this article is to demonstrate how to use JSP tag files to produce JavaScript code for any purpose , not just Ajax routines .

  20. 考虑到气候的复杂性,IPCC能给出如此宽泛的升温范围也是不足为奇的。

    That the IPCC should end up with a range that vast is not surprising given the climate 's complexity .

  21. 着重讨论了基于动态消息捕获模型的AOP实现机制,此讨论将扩展方面的概念,使得方面的含义比原来更宽泛。

    The implementation of AOP based on dynamic message interception model was emphasized , which enlarged the concept of aspect and made it more broadly .

  22. 之后,她开始从更宽泛的角度思考花园:《牡丹亭》中杜丽娘梦想爱情的那个花园以及伊甸园(GardenofEden)。

    And she began thinking more broadly about gardens : the one where Du Liniang of " The Peony Pavilion " dreams of love , and the Garden of Eden .

  23. 目前,随着底层光网络技术和IP技术的融合,IP数据光网络的概念被提了出来,它被理解为一种能够提供IP数据服务的、以光网络为底层传送网络的宽泛的网络概念。

    Today , a new concept of underlying networks , IP data optical network , has been proposed , to present a relatively broad category of networks , which are based on optical techniques and enable the IP services .

  24. 没错,2010年第一季度,中国实际零售额增幅中国国家统计局发布的有关消费的唯一宽泛指标超出GDP增幅3.5个百分点。

    True , in the first quarter of 2010 real Chinese retail sales growth – the only broad indicator of consumption released by the national bureau of statistics – outpaced GDP growth by 3.5 percentage points .

  25. 但MagicLeap的目标似乎要宽泛得多,它勾勒了一个雄心勃勃的愿景:使用它所说的动态数字化光场信号技术,把丰富的交互式图形,和人们本来就可以看到的东西一并展示出来。

    But Magic Leap appears to have significantly broader aims , describing an ambitious vision for displaying rich interactive graphics alongside what people see naturally , using what it calls a dynamic digitized lightfield signal .

  26. 该论文的宽泛结论是,相比基于增税的财政调整,基于削减支出和不增税的财政调整更有可能减少赤字,降低债务与国内生产总值(GDP)的比率。

    The broad conclusions of their paper are that fiscal adjustments based upon spending cuts and no tax increases are more likely to reduce deficits and debt over gross domestic product ratios than those based upon tax increases .

  27. Marty:我们为系统架构团队提供的用户描述要具有必要的宽泛程度,因为他们并不需要实现那些细节。

    MartyMWeasel : The user stories we gave to the architecture team were necessarily broad because they didn 't have to implement the details .

  28. 由于CC复制权限要比ODRL打印权限更为宽泛,任何表达,包括Reproduction和ODRLPrint,都无疑会重复某些相同的权限。

    Since the CC Reproduction right is broader than the ODRL Print right , any expression , including Reproduction and ODRL Print , repeats some of the same rights .

  29. 不过,需要指出的是,很多其他消息交换模式需要使用此功能,而TC当初采用这样宽泛的解决方案的目的就是为了支持这些消息交换模式。

    However , it 's important to point out that many other message exchange patterns require this feature and it was the desire to support these as well that drove the TC to adopt such a broad solution .

  30. 相比之下,CPI的研究报告对气候投资项目的定义是十分宽泛的他们把铁路、可再生能源和植树造林都算在了里面这才得出了前文所述的投资总额。

    By contrast the CPI study , which uses broad definitions of climate-related schemes to include railways as well as renewable energy and forestry , for example captures the total sums invested .