
  • 网络strong electricity
  1. 过去的防雷主要针对强电系统,而现在的防雷技术重点转向弱电系统;

    Old measures against thunders mainly aimed at the system of strong electricity , but now the technical emphases against lightning strike have changed into the system of weak electricity .

  2. 该装置体现了自动化专业强电与弱电结合、软件与硬件结合、常规技术与先进技术结合的特点。

    This device reflects the automation 's characteristics , which are the combination between strong electricity and weak electricity , the combination between software and hardware and the combination between conventional technology and advanced technology .

  3. 你之前有可能已经在Resonance的主页上遇到过他,在那里我们报告了他的发现,关于强电磁场能够影响一个人的大脑。

    You have met him before in the pages of Resonance where we reported on his findings that strong electromagnetic fields can affect a person 's brain .

  4. FDA说,这些报道的装置功能失常有别于磁共振成像(MRI)中因强电、磁场引起的功能失常。

    The reported malfunctions differ from those caused by the strong electric and magnetic fields in magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ), the FDA said .

  5. PET是电气绝缘材料,当其受到长时间强电应力作用时,会由于多种原因发生击穿,导致其绝缘寿命终止。

    PET is electric insulation . It maybe broken down for many reasons and leads to end of its life when it is exposed to stress for a long time .

  6. 目前,在强电领域获得实际应用的高温超导材料是Y系和Bi系。

    At present , the high-temperature superconducting material , which received practical application in the strong electric fields , are the Y system and Bi system .

  7. 硬件方面主要包括上位机、主电路、强电驱动电路、命令执行部件、传感装置以及GPRS模块几个部分。

    On the hardware side , host computer , the main circuit , strong electric drive circuit , execution components , sensing devices and GPRS module are included .

  8. 针对硬件部分的核心控制处理模块和强电部分电路原理以及结构组成进行了详细的分析,软件部分主要讨论了软件功能以及RTOS在系统中的移植和使用。

    The principal of hardware circuit and architecture are detailed . The function of software and RTOS porting are discussed in this paper .

  9. 强电部分包括大电压大电流的隔离变换部分以及调谐滤波器的设计部分;弱电部分采用DSP为主控元件实现,它主要由数据采集模块、分析处理模块和对外控制模块构成。

    One part includes the insulation and conversation of hign voltage and current , the other part uses DSP as controller , it consists of data collection module , the analysis and calculation module and control module etc.

  10. 指出了固态继电器(SSR)是一种以弱电控制强电的理想器件,在单片机测控系统中应用极广。

    Solid state relay ( SSR ) is ideal equipment that using weak power to control strong power , which has extensive application in SCM measuring and controlling system .

  11. 研究了强电脉冲作用下,抗癌药物环磷酰胺对HeLa细胞和胎儿脐带血细胞的毒性变化。

    Cyclophosphamide , combined with or without high intensity pulsing electromagnetic field , was used as anti-cancer drug to treat HeLa cell and fetal navel cord blood cells .

  12. 由于氟是强电负性元素,氟化键具有低的极化率,可以降低介电常数,因而氟化类金刚石薄膜可以在微电子器件中用作低k介质材料;

    Because the fluorine element is strong negative-dielectric and the fluorinated chemical bonds have low dielectric polarizability and may reduce the films dielectrics constant , the fluorinated diamond-like carbon films may be used for low k dielectric material in micro-electronic device .

  13. 基于汽环法测量的制冷压缩机综合性能试验台设计应用除了设计控制系统的强电电路、弱电电路外,还研究了PID控制规律,并且对控制方案进行了仿真。

    Compressor Comprehensive Performance Test Rig Design and Application Based on the Method of Vapor Loop The PID control theory was applied to Locating Type Locomotive Rolling Test Rig design and the emluator architecture of the control system was established .

  14. F原子小的原子半径和强电负性导致了含氟有机物的化学和动力学惰性。有机氟化物目前被广泛的应用于各种药物、农药、聚合物、军事设备和其他材料领域。

    Because of the chemical and kinetic inertness of fluorinated compounds caused by the small size and high electronegativity of fluorine atom , fluorinated compounds are of current interest as valuable pharmaceuticals , agrochemicals , polymers and some other advanced materials .

  15. 分析与测试结果表明,该器件具有较强的ESD防护能力,可用于大功率部件或强电系统的ESD保护。

    Theoretical analysis and experimental test results demonstrate that SITh has a strong ESD protection ability , and can be used for ESD protection of high power components and strong electrical system .

  16. 通过介绍PTC热敏电阻的特点和性能分析,找出PTC热敏电阻的电阻-时间开关特性,阐明其在通信线路防雷、防强电过流保护中的作用及应用。

    Though introducing the characteristics and performance of PTC resistance , the author finds out its R T switching feature and clarify the action & application in field of lighting protection of communication line and powerful overcurrent protection .

  17. 针对实际应用DSP系统时,常见的电源干扰、传输线效应和强电干扰等问题,根据其产生的机理和影响,对DSP系统提出了电磁兼容性设计,以提高系统的可靠性。

    In according to the producing mechanism of perturbation and influence on DSP system , some effective EMC design on hardware is proposed in order to reduce the interference of power supply , and effect of transmission medium disturbance of high voltage which improve the reliability of system .

  18. 直流接触器电磁适配和弱电控制研发探讨本文从弱电控制强电的角度,将FTU的研制看成是电子系统设计的一个应用,是从一个新的设计视角来研究它的制作。

    Study and development of electromagnetic adaptability and weak-electric control of DC contactors The equipment of FTU which looks as the important application of electronic system design has been designed by fresh ways .

  19. 已有证据表明,Hep的强电负性使其与肥大细胞颗粒中多种物质的贮存及活性的发挥密切相关,但这些研究大多是在细胞外、分子水平上进行的。

    However , it has been proven that heavy electronegativity of Hep is closely related with storage and activity of materials in mast cells granule . But most of these studies are conducted on the cells and molecular level .

  20. 应用于220V工频交流电路中,对过电压、欠电压、强电和雷电干扰、触电、漏电和电线短路失火等事故均有良好的防护作用。

    When it is used in the 220 V circuit with an industrial frequency alternating current , it can give good protection against overvoltage , under voltage , interference of strong current , thunder and lightning , electric shock , electric leakage , electric wire fire and circuit fire .

  21. 强电负性气体特征值与临界击穿场强的研究

    Critical Breakdown Strength and the Figure of Merit of Electronegative Gases

  22. 闪电具有大电流,强电磁场的特性。

    Lightning always appears with large current , strong magnetic properties .

  23. 层式大地结构情况下强电系统与通信设备间的阻性耦合

    Resistive Coupling Between Power System and Telecommunication Equipments in Stratified Soils

  24. 关于强电声子耦合系统基态的一个注记

    A note on the ground state of strong electron-phonon interacting system

  25. 强电脉冲治疗肿瘤提高抗癌药物疗效的研究

    Study of High-intensity Electric Pulse Inhibited Sarcoma for Improving Antitumor Drug Effect

  26. 电路交流强电综合实验装置的研制

    Development of a Comprehensive Tester for Strong AC Electricity Circuits

  27. 强电环境下电子设备的抗干扰问题

    Interference Problems of Electronic Control Equipment in High Voltage Environment

  28. 强电磁场环境中电磁防护的探讨

    Discussion of electromagnetic protection in high electromagnetic fields environment

  29. 强电磁场中的温度测量技术的研究

    Study of Measuring Temperature Technology in Intensive Electromagnetic Field

  30. 磁体设计是强电领域的重要任务之一。

    Magnet design is one of the primary tasks of strong electric field .