
  • 网络Forced oscillation;FOT
  1. 强迫振荡法测定呼吸系统通气功能

    Forced oscillation methods to determine ventilatory function of the respiratory system

  2. 用强迫振荡技术评估中心及外周呼吸阻力

    Estimating central and peripheral resistance by using forced oscillation technique

  3. 目的观察脉冲强迫振荡(IOS)测定值在阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(OSAS)患者中的变化,并探讨其临床意义。

    Objective To observe the change of measurement value of Impulse Oscillometry in OSAS patients and to explore its meaning .

  4. 本文将二维VOF方法推广到三维情形,研究了圆柱容器遭受水平强迫振荡时的液体晃动问题。

    The two-dimensional Volume of Fluid method ( VOF ) is extended for the study of liquid sloshing in cylindrical containers subjected to lateral excitation .

  5. 目的分析术前肺功能及强迫振荡肺功能(FOT)检查在预测术后呼衰中的临床价值。

    Objective To study the clinical value of routine pulmonary function test and forced oscillatory pulmonary function test ( FOT ) in predicting respiratory failure after pulmonary resection .

  6. 目的观察西宁地区(海拔2260m)阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)患者肺功能检查中强迫振荡(IOS)检测数据的变化,并探讨其临床意义。

    Objective : To observe the change of measurement values of impulse oscillometry in obstructive sleep apnea and hypopnea syndrome ( OSAHS ) patients and its clinical significance under high altitude condition .

  7. 受谐激励的带压电层充液圆柱容器稳态解本文将二维VOF方法推广到三维情形,研究了圆柱容器遭受水平强迫振荡时的液体晃动问题。

    THE STEADY-STATE SOLUTION TO CYLINDRICAL FLUID CONTAINERS WITH PIEZOELECTRIC LAYERS SUBJECTED TO PERIODIC STIMULATION The two-dimensional Volume of Fluid method ( VOF ) is extended for the study of liquid sloshing in cylindrical containers subjected to lateral excitation .

  8. 在利用BACTM法对高机动性能飞机尾旋预测中,首先要求解平衡解,为此需要使用静态、强迫振荡天平气动模型和旋转天平气动模型。

    In the predication of spin for the high maneuverable aircraft , in general , the aerodynamic model according to the wind tunnel test getting from static , oscillating balance and rotary balance must be used .

  9. 虚拟体法数值模拟双圆柱强迫振荡系统

    Simulation on forced system of two cylinders using virtual boundary method

  10. 周期外力作用下舶波型方程的强迫振荡

    On the Forced Vibration of Popp Equations Under the Periodic External Force

  11. 一类非线性波动方程的强迫振荡

    The forced vibrations on a class of nonlinear wave Eguations

  12. 强迫振荡肺功能测定新技术及临床研究

    Clinical study on the forced oscillatory pulmonary function test

  13. 强迫振荡法中的流量和口腔压测量

    Measurement of the respiratory flow and oral pressure in the forced oscillation method

  14. 复合正弦强迫振荡呼吸系统阻抗测量装置的研制

    The development of a compound sinusoidal forced oscillation respiratory device impedance measuring system

  15. 垂荡阻尼板的强迫振荡试验

    The Forced Oscillation Tests on Heave Damping Plates

  16. 平面波作用下浮体的有阻尼强迫振荡研究

    On forced damped oscillating problem for a floating body in the presence of an incident plane wave

  17. 强迫振荡法呼吸系统有效阻力频率依赖性测定及临床应用

    Measurement of Frequency Dependency of Respiratory Effective Resistance by the Forced Oscillation Technique and its Clinical Application

  18. 强迫振荡法对呼吸系统有效阻力和顺应性测定(附75例分析)

    Measurement of Respiratory Effective Resistance and Compliance by the Forced Oscillation Technique ( Review of 75 cases )

  19. 流向强迫振荡圆柱绕流的涡脱落模态分析论模态柏拉图主义

    Analysis of vortex shedding modes of an in-line oscillating circular cylinder in a uniform flow on modal Platonism

  20. 本文介绍一种复合正弦强迫振荡呼吸系统阻抗测量系统。

    In this paper , a new compound sinusoidal forced oscillation respiratory system impedance measuring system is presented .

  21. 用强迫振荡法测定75例慢阻肺患者的呼吸系统有效阻力和顺应性。

    Respiratory effective resistance and compliance are measureed by the forced oscillation technique in 75 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases .

  22. 不同地方的日食重力波都来自太阳直接辐射变化直接产生的强迫振荡和各地大气层内的浮力振荡。

    Gravity waves from solar eclipse originated from both coercive oscillation produced by the variations of solar direct radiation and buoyance oscillation .

  23. 目的:探讨强迫振荡肺阻力测定技术研究心内直视手术患者围麻醉期肺阻力变化规律和异常表现的临床意义。

    Objective : To evaluate the changes in lung resistance and its clinical significance in open heart surgical patients using forced oscillation technique .

  24. 利用我校研制的船舶减摇水舱试验台架进行了水舱不同垂直位置布置、不同边舱液位高度及不同的阻尼板开度的强迫振荡试验。

    The oscillation tests were made , including different arrangement of vertical position , different water levels and different damping factors by the test platform .

  25. 目的试找出强迫振荡法肺功能测定国人的正常值范围。

    Objective To get the normal area of each parametric in pulmonary function test with impulse oscillation ( IOS ) and propose diagnosis condition for clinic usage .

  26. 本文介绍一种用于强迫振荡法呼吸系统阻抗测量中测量流量和口腔压的装置。

    N apparatus for measuring the respiratory flow and oral pressure used in the impedance measurement of respiratory system by forced oscillation method ( FOM ) was introduced .

  27. 说明利用强迫振荡有效阻力的频率依赖性可以分离中心和外周呼吸阻力。

    It is hence concluded that it may be possible to fractionate total respiratory resistance into central and peripheral components by using the frequency dependence of forced oscillatory effective resistance .

  28. 目的探讨哮喘病人发作期和缓解期的肺通气功能以及通过强迫振荡技术测定气道阻力的变化水平。

    Objective To discuss the changes of airway resistane measured by the technique of the forced oscillation and the changes of pulmonary ventillation at the onset and remission of patients with asthma .

  29. 结论强迫振荡肺功能测定技术适用于麻醉临床,对评价体外循环乃至心内直视手术期间患者呼吸力学机制紊乱具有显著的参考指导意义。

    Conclusion Lung Function Determination with Forced Oscillation Technique can be applied to clinical anesthesia and has evident importance for evaluating the mechanical disorder of respiratory system during CBP and open heart surgery .

  30. 在强迫振荡呼吸系统阻抗Zr8测定中,为去除自然呼吸干扰,我们设计了一种以振荡激发频率为中心的二级窄带通梳状数字滤波器。

    In the measurement of the forced oscillation respiratory impedance , we designed a narrow-band second-order bandpass comb filter which is centered at the forced oscillation frequencies for eliminating the interference of spontaneous breathing .