
  1. 对银行现行结算办法的探讨

    The Roller Coupling On Current Settlement of Bank

  2. 南方电网跨省区交易模式及电量结算办法浅谈

    The Business Mode and Electric Energy Counting for Province-Crossing Interchange Within South Electric Power Grid

  3. (五)代销、包销的费用和结算办法;

    The fees and settlement method for the securities underwriting on the commission and sole agency methods ;

  4. 基本医疗保险费用结算办法对医疗机构和参保患者行为的影响

    Influence of the basic health plans payment methods on the behaviors of medical institutions and the insured

  5. 而各地大多仍实行按项目付费的后付费式的结算办法,缺乏系统的数据决策、技术支持和风险预测、防范能力。

    And most of the area remains post-paid settlement of accounts , lacking of data decision-making , technical support and risk prevention .

  6. 然而在《国内信用证结算办法》推行后的几年之内,没有一家银行真正开立了国内信用证业务。

    However , after the introduction for a few years , no one really opened the domestic bank letter of credit business .

  7. 预约保险合同应当订明预约的保险责任范围、保险财产范围、每一保险或一地点的最高保险金额、保险费结算办法等。

    The open cover shall stipulate the scope of cover , the range of property insured , the maximum amount of insurance each risk or at each place and the method of settling premium , etc.

  8. 未制订完善的工程概算、预算和结算管理办法配套,定额使用行为未规范;

    Matching management measures are not made for the budget estimates , budget and settlement of the engineering ; The quota applying behavior is not regulated .

  9. 《人民币银行结算账户管理办法》执行中的问题与建议

    The Problems in Implementing The Measure for the Management of RMB Bank Balance Account and Settlement Advice

  10. 自2003年9月1日起实施新的《人民币银行结算账户管理办法》。

    The new Administrative Measures for the RMB Bank Settlement Accounts shall be implemented as of September 1 , 2003 .

  11. 前项准备金之缴存、增补及申请领响应依本中心「债券等殖成交系统债券给付结算准备金管理办法」相关规定办理。

    The deposit , supplementation , and application for withdrawal of the reserve referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be done in compliance with the GTSM Regulations Governing Bond payment settlement reserves for the electronic bond trading system .

  12. 证券登记结算机构为本办法所指质押物的法定登记机构。

    The securities registration settlement institutions shall be the legal registration institutions for the pledged goods mentioned herein .

  13. 补充国民核算和结算的面向福利办法和其他生活水平措施的联合国专家组;

    United Nations Expert croup on welfare-oriented supplements to the national accounts and balances and other measures of levels of living ;