
  • 网络modal matrix
  1. 通过建立碰撞振动系统的物理模型和数学模型,利用正则模态矩阵法对碰撞振动系统进行解耦,并用解析法求解了碰撞振动系统周期运动的解析解和线性化矩阵和各个系统的Poincare映射。

    By establishing physical model and mathematical model of the vibro-impact system , using regular modal matrix method to decouple the vibro-impact system , and working out the analytical solution , linear matrix and poincare mapping of different system by analytic method . 2 .

  2. 多层刚架剪切振动及模态矩阵

    Shear vibration and the modal matrix for the multistory rigid frames

  3. 关于复模态矩阵摄动法的一些问题的讨论

    Discussions on Some Problems of Matrix Perturbation for Complex Modes

  4. 对复模态矩阵摄动法的补充

    A supplement to matrix perturbation method for complex modes

  5. 上述讨论进一步完善了已有的复模态矩阵摄动法。

    The matrix perturbation of Complex modes has been improved by the present discussions .

  6. 应用传递函数的零、极点辨识集聚质量系统的模态矩阵

    Identifying Modal Matrix of a Lumped Parameter Vibration System by Pole-zero Points of Transfer Function

  7. 关于复模态矩阵束可在复空间解耦的充分必要条件

    On the Sufficient and Necessary Conditions for the Discoupling of the Pencil of Complex Mode Matrices in a Complex Space

  8. 本文提供了在运用特征向量法过程中对组成数据进行清洗的方法和有助于简化计算的模态矩阵之逆矩阵的行向量表达式。

    Expressions for purging composition data and row vectors of inverse of modal matrix , which are helpful in simplifying calculation , are developed .

  9. 共轭子结构解法以共轭复模态矩阵作为模态变换矩阵,整机相应分解为两个共轭子结构。

    In this method , the conjugate complex modal matrix is used as modal transfer matrix and the machine is decomposed into two conjugate substructures .

  10. 用矩阵理论求出几种形式的参数矩阵变换时的模态矩阵,并讨论了功率不变原则下的变换。

    Using the matrix theory , we derived the modal matrices of some parameter matrices in transformation , and discussed the transformation with principle of power invariance also .

  11. 修正的低阶模态矩阵定义动态位移,修正的剩余柔度矩阵定义静态位移的修正项。

    The modified lower-frequency mode matrix is used to define the dynamic displacements , and the modified residual flexibility matrix is used to define the modified static displacement terms .

  12. 子空间基向量矩阵是由修正的低阶模态矩阵(包括刚体模态)和修正的被略去的高阶模态的剩余柔度矩阵组成的。

    The subspace base vector matrix consists of the modified lower frequency mode matrix ( ineluding rigid body modes ) and the modified residual flexibility matrix of neglected higher-frequency modes .

  13. 研究基于实测应变响应的结构动载荷识别问题,推导出结构测点应变模态矩阵,在模态分解的基础上应用精细逐步积分法构造了一种高效精确的载荷识别公式。

    This paper studies the problem of structural dynamic load identification based on measured strain response , deduces the strain modal matrix of structure measured points , and constructs an efficient and precise equation of load identification by using the high precision integration scheme based on modal decoupling .

  14. 该方法首先通过机床部件的静力实验,找出部件的附着模态矩阵,通过动态实验获得有关机床部件的保留模态信息。

    This method is based upon static and dynamic experiments of various machine tool components , and then put through assembly step by step for modal synthesis . The static test is to obtain attachment modal matrix , while the dynamic test , to get the reserve modal information .

  15. 本文讨论了粘性阻尼的离散线性振动系统复模态矩阵束的复特征性质与系统的阻尼阵、刚度阵与质量阵之间的关系。

    In this paper the complex eigenspace properties of the pencil of complex mode matrices of a viscous damping discrete linear vibration system and the relations between the system damping , stiffness and mass matrix are discussed . The sufficient condition for a slightly damping system is provided and proved .

  16. 应用Timoshenko梁和纵振杆的振型函数,从杆在联接点的平衡和变形连续条件出发,建立了规格化的平衡谐调矩阵,从而导出了确定结构模态的矩阵表达式。

    By applying the vibrating mode of Timoshenko beam and prismatical bar , the authors have formed a formalization equilibrium-continuity matrix of a node under the conditions of equilibrium and continuity at the node have thereby deduced a marix expression determing the mode of structure .

  17. 一种模态力矩阵组装方法

    Main Force Method , an Assembly Method of Modal Force Matrix

  18. 基于模态柔度矩阵变化指标的结构损伤预警方法

    Method of structural damage prewarning based on modal flexibility change index

  19. 本文提出一种分析机车横向运动稳定性的方法,即利用复模态的矩阵摄动法来计算临界速度。

    This paper presents a new method of analyzing locomotive lateral stability , that is , the critical velocity is calculated by use of the complex mode matrix perturbation theory .

  20. 结构参数小幅变化后桥梁固有模态修正的矩阵摄动法

    Matrix Perturbation Method for Natural Model Analysis of Bridge with Little Modified Parameters

  21. 机床结构振动模态灵敏度的矩阵摄动分析法

    Matrix perturbation analysis method of the sensibility of vibration modalities of machine tool structure

  22. 关于线性离散系统模态阻尼比矩阵和系统阻尼比矩阵的研究

    System on the Model Damping Ratio Matrix and System Damping Ratio Matrix for MDOF System

  23. 模态分析的矩阵摄动法在灵敏度分析和重分析中有广泛的应用。

    Matrix Perturbation methods are widely used in sensitivity analysis and reanaly-sis of Vibration modes .

  24. 用复模态综合和矩阵广义逆技术识别机械结构局部物理参数

    Identifying local physical parameters of mechanical structures by using of complex modal synthesis and generalized inverse technique

  25. 基于损伤结构模态的柔度矩阵,应用差分方法计算柔度曲率矩阵,从中找到各列最大值,作为检测结构损伤指(?)的新方法。

    The maximum of each column of flexibility curvature matrix constructed from flexibility matrix is presented as a new indicator F_ ( CM ) for damage detection .

  26. 本文用低阶模态和系统矩阵表达高阶模态对非比例阻尼结构频响函数的贡献。

    In this paper , the contribution of high order mode shape to the frequency response function of disproportional damping structure is expressed by using low order mode shape and system matrix .

  27. 依据设计原则,利用模态刚度矩阵、模态质量矩阵和模态频率相似进行了扭振模拟机轴系的设计,扭振模拟机轴系前三阶固有特性与实际机组轴系扭振动特性基本一致。

    By modal stiffness matrix , modal mass matrix and modal frequency , shaft units of simulator is designed . The former three steps natural characteristics are identical with the real units ' .

  28. 本文将单自由度系统阻尼比的概念推广到多自由度系统,在临界阻尼矩阵的基础上提出了系统阻尼比矩阵和模态阻尼比矩阵的概念。

    This paper presents a concept of system damping ratio matrix and modal damping ratio matrix based on the critical damping matrix , extending the concept of damping ratio to the MDOF system from SDOF system .

  29. 非比例阻尼结构复模态问题求解的矩阵摄动法

    Matrix Perturbation Method for Solving the Complex Modal Problem of Non-proportionally Damped Structures

  30. 将模态迭加法和矩阵摄动法相结合,应用于非线性转子系统的动态特性分析。

    The modal-perturbation method , which is the combination of the modal analysis method and matrix perturbation method , is applied in nonlinear rotor system .