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mó fàn
  • model;exemplar;fine example;mould;an exemplary person or thing
模范 [mó fàn]
  • (1) [an exemplary person or thing]∶学习、工作中值得树为典型的优秀人才或事迹

  • 模范带头作用

  • (2) [model]∶被认为是值得仿效的人或物;同类中最完美的事物

  • 模范积极分子

  • (3) [mould]∶指制造器物的模型,模子

模范[mó fàn]
  1. 一年内,她从问题儿童变成了模范学生。

    In one year she turned from a problem child into a model student .

  2. 他是个模范的专业人士,是年轻人的榜样。

    He is a model professional and an example to the younger lads

  3. 他整天装作模范丈夫的样子。

    He 's been acting the devoted husband all day .

  4. 法拉坎算不上是美国黑人运动的一位模范领袖。

    Farrakhan was a poor standard-bearer for the causes of African-Americans .

  5. 医务人员说他是一个模范病人。

    Hospital staff say he is a model patient .

  6. 还是个小女孩的时候,她就是一个模范学生。

    As a girl she had been a model pupil

  7. 不要拿我作为模范丈夫的例子。

    Don 't hold me up as a model husband .

  8. 劳动模范是民族的精英、人民的楷模,是共和国的功臣。

    Model workers are elites of the Chinese nation , role models for the people and heroes of the republic .

  9. 右(D,B)-Doi-Hopf模范畴上的扭曲

    Twist of the Category of Right ( D , B ) - Doi-Hopf Modules

  10. 三类模范畴的K0群

    K_0 Groups on Three Categories of Special Modules

  11. 赋值模范畴Fm中的张量函子

    Tensor Functors in the Category F_m of Evaluated Modules

  12. 而路代数的AR箭图对于研究该代数上的整个模范畴的结构具有重要的作用。

    AR quiver in path algebra plays an important part for studying module category over this algebra .

  13. 量子交换余模代数与相对Hopf模范畴

    Quantum Commutative Comodule Algebras and Categories of Relative Hopf Modules

  14. 一个人或物是无与伦比的,即优秀的典范,这不就是“模范、优秀的人或物”吗?很明显“beknownas”前面的主语给出了后面“paragon”的词义。

    A person or thing beyond comparison , a model of excellence , is known as a paragon .

  15. 不过,接下来的例子是亚马逊(Amazon),最近它成了我眼中不说废话的大型机构的模范。

    Yet then there is Amazon , which this week has become my pin-up for the no-nonsense large organisation .

  16. 量子GLn的模范畴等价于无穷多个q-Schur代数的模范畴的直和。

    The module category of quantum GL_n is a direct sum of the ones of infinitely many q-Schur algebras .

  17. FDI主要通过技术溢出效应、竞争效应、人员流动效应、示范和模范效应以及产业关联效应来影响着我国高技术产业的自主创新。

    FDI affects independent innovation in the high-tech industry of China mainly through technology spillover , competition , talent flow , demonstration and model effects as well as correlative effect among industries .

  18. 皮尤(pew)等一些机构的调查显示,在北非各国,土耳其政府都被当作模范。

    Surveys by Pew and others show that , all over North Africa , the government in Ankara is seen as a role model .

  19. 设Γ是三级三角矩阵代数,modΓ表示Γ上的有限生成模范畴,Γζ是与modΓ等价的范畴。

    Let г be 3 order triangular matrix algebra , mod Γ be finitely generated module category over Γ and Γ ~ ζ equivalent category with Γ .

  20. 该信息在GreenBayDiocese.St.FrancisofAssisiChapel的传播被视为绿色建筑的模范。

    That message 's spreading in the Green Bay Diocese . St. Francis of Assisi Chapel is being held up as a model of how to build green from the ground up .

  21. 本文主要研究了半群分次环上的Morita对偶问题,得到了半群分次模范畴上满足某种条件的对偶函子与双分次双模之间的等价关系。

    This paper discuss Morita Duality of semigroup-graded rings , and get a equivalence between duality functor of graded module category and bi-graded bimodule .

  22. 本文证明了K-空间上的一个主要性质,给出了此性质在模范畴上不成立的反倒,并且用此性质简化了Hopf代数某些定理的证明。

    The paper proves a main property of K-space and gives the examples to show this property not correct in module categories , then simplifies the proofs of some Hopf algebra theorem using the property .

  23. 阿维·阿瑟(AviAssor)、盖·罗斯(GuyRoth)和爱德华·L·德吉(EdwardL.Deci)开展的研究显示,得到有条件的爱的孩子们从短期来看情况都不错,他们可以成为模范学生。

    Studies by Avi Assor , Guy Roth and Edward L. Deci suggest that children who receive conditional love often do better in the short run . They can be model students .

  24. 这位劳动模范是经纪公司西莫尔皮尔斯(SeymourPierce)的零售业分析师理查德?

    The Stakhanovite in question was the retail analyst Richard Ratner from the brokerage firm Seymour Pierce , who died a couple of weeks ago after suffering a heart attack at work .

  25. 文章给出了三级三角矩阵环Г的定义,通过建立一个等价函子F,证明了三角矩阵代数Г上的有限生成模范畴modГ与Г£是等价的范畴。

    This paper gives the definition of triangular matrix rings of order 3 Γ, and by establishing an equivalent functor F , proved here is also the equivalence between finitely generated module category mod Γ over triangular matrix algebra Γ of order 3 and category Γ £ .

  26. Crawley-Boevey将例外序列的概念引入路代数的表示理论中,并证明了辫子群对路代数的模范畴中的完备例外序列的作用是可迁的。

    Crawley-Boevey introduced the conception of exceptional sequence to the representation theory of path algebra . He has shown that the braid group acts transitively on the set of complete exceptional sequence .

  27. 伯承同志是勤读不厌的模范。

    Comrade Bocheng is a fine example of a tireless reader .

  28. 愿基督徒依上帝的婚姻计划作贞节模范。

    Pray for Christians to model Gods plan for sexual purity .

  29. 噢,为了什么呢?你是年度模范母亲吗?

    Oh , what ? You 're'Mother of the Year ' ?

  30. 他被授予模范教师的称号。

    He is honoured with the title of a model teacher .