
dú jiā xiāo shòu
  • exclusive sales
  1. 代理方允诺在指定的销售区域内担任委托方的独家销售代理,依据合同规定,向委托方订购相关产品。

    Agent agrees to act as exclusive sales agent for the Principal in the Territory by placing contract based orders for the Product to the Principal .

  2. 当中国联通(ChinaUnicom)下个月推出第三代移动通信(3G)服务时,它希望能与苹果公司(Apple)达成协议,3年内在中国独家销售iPhone手机,以此为贺。

    When China Unicom launches third-generation telecommunications next month , it hopes to celebrate with a deal to sell Apple 's iPhone exclusively in the country for three years .

  3. 他的制造商是东南亚的“mrgreen”公司,而greenpac公司已经签订了合同,保证自己享有在英国和欧洲独家销售回收塑料瓶纺织品的权利。

    His manufacturer is the " Mr Green " of South-East Asia and greenpac has contracts in place guaranteeing the business exclusive rights to market the recycled bottle fabric in the UK and Europe .

  4. Verizon也在专注于推广一系列来自摩托罗拉和宏达电的Droid手机,以求抗衡AT&T与苹果达成的iPhone独家销售协议。

    Verizon has also been concentrating on a range of Droid phones from Motorola and HTC to compete with AT & T 's exclusive arrangement with Apple for the iPhone .

  5. 一些印度的本土公司也将受到冲击,Gilead曾与这些公司一起,降低了向最贫穷国家出售此药的价格,但保留了自己在中等收入市场上的独家销售权。

    It will also hit the local companies with which it has lowered the cost of the drug to the poorest while protecting exclusivity in middle - income markets .

  6. SKTelecom发言人表示,作为韩国独家销售GalaxyRound的电信运营商,该公司为同时购买GalaxyRound和三星的GalaxyGear智能手表的消费者提供大约10万韩圆(合95美元)至15万韩圆(合142美元)的折扣。

    SK Telecom , the only carrier selling the Galaxy Round in Korea , is offering a discount of approximately 100000 won ( $ 95 ) to 150000 won ( $ 142 ) to anyone buying the phone together with Samsung 's Galaxy Gear smartwatch , a company spokeswoman said .

  7. 目前我们不考虑在你方区域进行独家销售

    398.We have no intention of considering exclusive sells in your market at present

  8. 某一公司被指派在一市场独家销售某一产品代理的协议

    Agreement where a company be appointed sole agent for a product In a market

  9. 本公司的其中一客户拥有非洲加纳地区的独家销售代理权。

    This One of the company 's customers in Africa and Ghana have the exclusive right to sales agents .

  10. 他行使了获得这项产品的独家销售的选择权。

    He exercised his option or he took up his option to acquire sole marketing rights to the product .

  11. 第一点担心的是谷歌将拥有独家销售无法找到版权所有者的数字著作的权利。

    The first concerns the exclusive right that Google would have to distribute digital books whose copyright holders cannot be traced .

  12. 书面合同赋予某地产代理商在一个指定的时段获得物业的独家销售权。

    A written contract that gives one real estate agent the exclusive right to sell a property in a specified time period .

  13. 更有说法称,世卫的这一决定是在偏袒诺华,并称后者通过独家销售复方蒿甲醚获取了大量利润。

    And there are further suggestions that the WHO 's decision favours Novartis , which some claim has made a huge profit out of the Coartem ACT .

  14. 如果我们的报价,不符合你的眼前的价值期望,我们提供独家销售,找到最理想的买家,愿意支付的直升机零售价格。

    If our offer does not meet your immediate expectation , we offer exclusive marketing representation to locate the most desirable buyer willing to pay a retail price .

  15. 不过ATT和苹果之间的独家销售合同将于明年到期,据称目前两家公司正在就ATT继续保持独家销售权事宜展开谈判。

    As the exclusive contract between AT & T and Apple expires next year , the company is reportedly currently negotiating to retain the exclusive rights to Apple 's phone .

  16. 许多热门商品只在Food52上独家销售,这再次说明了一个所有年轻的电子商务公司都应该明白的道理——如果你把东西拿到亚马逊上卖,你就会输得很惨。

    Many top-performing items are sold exclusively by Food52 , affirming the lesson every young e-commerce company learns : If it 's sold on Amazon , you 're going to get beat .

  17. 它还拥有专卖权,在全中国独家销售获得许可的运动迷服饰,并且它已经利用奥运赞助商的身份,在北京开展了盛大的宣传活动,比如去年11月的灯光秀表演。

    It also has exclusive rights to sell licensed fan wear across China , and has used its position as a sponsor to stage spectacular promotions in the city such as a light show in November last year .

  18. 今年二月,曼哈顿房地产经纪商道格拉斯艾丽曼(DouglasElliman)成为独家联合销售代理商,帮助销售剩下的公寓。

    This February , Manhattan realtor Douglas Elliman was brought on as the exclusive co-sales agent to help move the rest of the units .

  19. 伟能集团在香港及中国独家代理销售以色列SATEC公司生产的电能表及电测仪等一系列配套设备。

    Wei could Group sales in Hong Kong and China , exclusive agents of the Israeli production company SATEC electric watt-hour meter and a series of devices equipment .

  20. 有些品牌把天猫当做在中国的独家在线销售渠道;

    Some use Tmall as the exclusive channel for online purchases in China ;

  21. 我方很高兴委托贵方在你们城市独家代理销售我方的产品。

    We are glad to offer you a sole agency for the sale of our products in your city .

  22. “土星”汽车选择了低价位政策,主要电视广告和露天大广告牌促销并独家经销商销售。

    Saturn has chosen to price their car inexpensively , has promoted the car mainly through television advertisements and billboard and distributes the car exclusively through Saturn dealerships .

  23. 专利是指对于有一个或多个独有特征的商品的独家生产或销售权。

    A patent is an exclusive right to produce and sell a commodity that has one or more unique features .

  24. 美国司法部已经在调查美国电话电报公司(AT&T)和Verizon等主要移动运营商与手机厂商签订的独家安排协议,例如苹果(Apple)与美国电话电报公司签订的独家销售iPhone协议,是否不公平地限制了小公司的竞争。

    Back in the U.S. , the Justice Department has given thought as to whether the exclusivity arrangements that big carriers like AT & T and Verizon ink with device makers ─ Apple 's iPhone , which has an exclusive deal in the U.S. with AT & T , for example ─ unfairly limit competition with smaller players .