
  • 网络Indie;Indie Rock
  1. 很多实验乐队转移成了独立摇滚风格。

    Most experimental bands were relegated to indie rock .

  2. 北京独立摇滚乐团P.K.14的主唱杨海崧说,他和乐队的成员们不可能只靠音乐销量为生。

    Yang Haisong , the lead singer for Beijing-based Chinese indie rock band P.K. 14 , says he and his band members could never live off song sales . '

  3. 正如最近纽约的一份杂志所言:独立摇滚四人组合GrizzlyBear刚刚发布了一张热门唱片,他们在无线电城音乐厅演出的门票也被抢购一空。

    As a recent New York magazine article put it : The indie-rock quartet Grizzly Bear just released a hit record and sold out Radio City Music Hall .

  4. 独立摇滚乐队theverse的最初于成立于99年,04年形成稳定阵容,今年扩充为12人Funk阵容,包括管乐和人声的丰富层次,多次在大型舞台上展现了Funk音乐的动感魅力。

    The individual rock band The Verse first founded in1999 and had reach to a stable lineup in2004.In this year , they expanded their band to12 people , including Orchestral Music and vocal .

  5. 同样,独立摇滚人阿曼达•帕摩尔也办过一次时间很短的T恤促销,回复“购买”者有97.1%注册了Chirpify并完成了这次购买。

    Similarly , indie rocker Amanda Palmer held a flash T-shirt sale where 97.1 % of all people who replied " buy " signed up and completed the purchase .

  6. 这部电影和第一部一样重复拖沓,依旧是绵绵不绝要吻不吻的情节,动不动插个一首两首情绪化的独立摇滚歌曲。

    This episode is as repetitive as the first , with endless scenes of kisses interruptus punctuated by moody indie-rock songs .

  7. 传单上说昨晚有个独立摇滚乐队要演出,但事实上他们只演奏了流行音乐。

    The leaflet said that an indie-rock band was going to play last night , but it turned out to be merely pop music .