
  • 网络Honky tonk;honky-tonk;Lounge music;Honkyu-Tonk
  1. 那是一家很好的酒吧,音乐很棒。

    It was a good bar with great music .

  2. 去本地酒吧听音乐

    Listen to Music at a Local Pub

  3. 在1974年刚开始建立时是作为工艺品市场,现在则是伦敦非传统时尚的中心,并且这里的俱乐部和酒吧是音乐人经常光顾的地方。

    Originally established as a craft market in1974 , it is now the center of London 's alternative fashion scene , and its clubs and bars are popular with musicians .

  4. 这个酒吧里有音乐节目主持人(dj)吗?

    Does the bar have a deejay ?

  5. 我觉得酒吧里的音乐太吵人了。

    I find the music in the bar very obtrusive .

  6. 我的音乐不是去酒吧演奏些音乐让人在喝啤酒时开开心。

    Not to go to a bar and play some music and make people happy while they are having a beer , this is not my thing .

  7. 无论是艺术画廊的开幕,还是戏剧的制作,抑或市中心酒吧的现场音乐演出,你去那些能找到灵感的地方来寻找灵感。

    Whether it is the opening of an art gallery , a theatrical production , or live music at a downtown bar , you search for inspiration wherever you can find it .

  8. 往西走,住满波西米亚人的上城区,是一处喷满涂鸦的拥挤街区,到处都是些老式商店、简陋饭馆、廉价酒吧和现场音乐表演场地,狭窄的街道里挤满了嘈杂的人群,直到凌晨时分。

    To the west , bohemian Bairro Alto is the graffiti-sprayed warren of vintage stores , hole-in-the wall restaurants , dive bars and live-music venues , where noisy throngs fill the narrow streets until the wee hours .

  9. 拜托,我们能去酒吧看他当音乐主持吗,Max?

    Please , can we go to the club to see him DJ , Max ?

  10. 法国研究人员于上周五称,酒吧里播放的音乐越响,客人们喝酒的速度会越快。

    Customers of bars that play loud music drink more quickly and in fewer gulps , French researchers said on Friday .

  11. 我们挤过嘈杂的挤得满满的酒吧,来到有音乐台的大厅的门口。

    We squeezed through the chattering , jam-packed Bar to the entrance of the Big room , where the Bandstand was .

  12. Nazdarovie(马雷贡25号,nazdarovie-havana.com)是一家复古风格的苏式餐厅及酒吧,有现场音乐演奏,可以看海景。

    Nazdarovie ( No. 25 Malec ó n , nazdarovie-havana . com ) is a retro-styled Soviet restaurant and bar with live music ; overlooks the sea .

  13. 在酒吧老板的帮助下,研究人员对酒吧音乐的音量大小进行了调节,并记录了顾客在不同音量环境下的饮酒量和饮酒速度。

    With help from the bars'owners , the team turned the music up and down and then recorded how much and how fast people drank .