
  1. 四特酒香味成分特征初探

    The primary study of the features of bouquet components of site wine

  2. 葡萄越甜,酿出的酒香味就越特别。

    The sweeter the grape the more distinct the aromas and bouquets .

  3. 苹果酒香味成分与感官质量研究

    Study on Flavour and Sensory Quality of Apple Wine

  4. 实验发现根霉和酵母有获得糖化力高,又能发酵产生酒香味的融合子的可能。

    The result showed that the protoplast of rhizopus and candida can merge each other .

  5. 在控制温度下,通过发酵试验,以维持酒香味和单宁的柔顺度。

    The fermentation is done under controlled temperature in order to preserve the flavors and the softness of tannins .

  6. 对样品提取方式、黄水中的定性组分与三沟酒香味组分的相关性作了研讨。

    In this study , the extraction ways to the samples , and the correlations between qualitative compositions of yellow water and the flavoring components of Sangou liquor were discussed .

  7. 香槟酒的香味会特别浓郁。

    Champenois wines can be particularly fragrant and perfumed .

  8. 在此条件下发酵速度快,发酵的酒果香味浓郁,Vc保存率高。

    Under such conditions , rapid fermentation and high preserving rate of Vc realized and the wine had mellow taste .

  9. 清香型小曲酒的香味组分特点及风味特征

    Aroma Constituent and Flavour Characteristics of Fen - flavour Xiaoqu Liquor

  10. 钢都酒的香味成分分析

    Analysis of Flavour Components of " Gangdu Jiu " Liquor

  11. 酒中香味成分平衡之管见

    Viewpoints of the Equilibrium of Flavoring Components in Liquor

  12. 我向一位微笑的侍者示意,要了杜松子酒和香味饮料。

    I motioned to a smiling waitress and ordered a gin and tonic .

  13. 凤香型酒主要香味成分的研究

    Studies on the main fragrance of Feng wine

  14. 毛葡萄种内3个株系酒的香味成分总量、种类和各类成分的含量均存在明显差异。

    Clear difference existed in the amounts and kinds of flavour components of three types .

  15. 固态法白酒甑桶蒸馏过程中酒头香味成分的蒸馏机理

    Distillating Mechanisms of the Forward Flavour Ingredient in Distillation of Chinese Liquor from Bed of Fermented Mass

  16. 结果表明:在高粱生料发酵过程中加入另一种自制的芳香酒曲,酒的香味得到明显改善,出酒率较高。

    The result showed that liquor 's aroma and alcohol yield could be improved by adding another starter during the fermentation with uncooked sorghum .

  17. 特别引人注意的是,一位穿着有亮钮扣的蓝上衣的男管家倒啤酒倒得十分美妙,能使它散发出一股酒的香味。

    In particular , there was a butler in a blue coat and bright buttons , who gave quite a winey flavour to the table beer ; he poured it out so superbly .

  18. 结果表明:在以大米和高粱为原料的混合生料发酵过程中加入另一种自制的芳香酒曲,酒的香味和品质得到明显改善,出酒率保持在高水平上。

    Tests show that liquor 's odor and flavor can be improved by putting the other distiller 's yeast during uncooked materials fermentation . Meanwhile , high rate of liquor 's yield can be retained .

  19. 又如己酸乙酯为浓香型酒主体香味成分,但清香型也同样含有己酸乙酯,只是量比不同,造成了风格迥异。

    Again , ethyl caproate , the main flavoring component of Luzhou-flavor liquors , also containes in Fen-flavor liquors , but the different quantity relative ratio of ethyl caproate resultes in widely different liquor styles .

  20. 在对四特酒的香味成分剖析中发现,四特酒富含奇数碳脂肪酸乙酯,相应的脂肪酸含量也较高,称之为特型,是中国十大香型特型酒的典型代表。

    Si'te liquor belonged to Te-type liquor and was considered as the typical representative of Te-type liquor because it contained rich ethyl fatty acid and its fatty acid content was comparatively higher through the analysis of its flavoring compositions .

  21. CO2超临界提取双轮底酒醅中香味成分的工艺研究

    Techniques to extract flavour ingredients from double bottom - fermented mash by CO_2 supercritical fluid extraction

  22. 在发酵过程中,采用带皮渣发酵4d,然后分离皮渣继续发酵的方式,并且采取15℃的低温发酵工艺,使酒的色香味保持较好的状态,风格突出。

    During the fermentation , pressed juice with peel was fermented at low temperature ( 15 ℃) for 4 days , then filtered juice and continued to be fermented at the same temperature . The wine produced by above technology has perfect color , flavor and taste in special style .

  23. 这酒有浓郁的香味。

    The wine has a rich bouquet .

  24. 番茄酒酒精蒸馏后香味成分的GC-MS分析

    Analysis of Flavoring Compositions of Tomato Wine after Distillation by GC-MS

  25. 这款酒的甜味和香味有着巧妙的均衡,其中的香味尤其突出。

    This bottling contains nicely balancing sweet and savory notes , with an emphasis on the latter .

  26. 酱香单次酒风格质量、香味组分特点与作用及工艺对其影响

    Styles and Flavoring Components Characteristics and Functions of Maotai-flavor Liquor of Different Production Turn and Production Techniques Influence

  27. 他不会懂得这酒的价值,这酒的香味地也闻不出来。

    He would not know its value , nor would its aroma reach his nostrils .

  28. 教区的主教来拜访他,可他跟自己说道:“不,我不愿为他开这瓶酒。他不会懂得这酒的价值,这酒的香味地也闻不出来。”

    And a bishop of the diocese visited him , but he said to himself , " Nay , I will not open that jug . He would not know its value , nor would its aroma reach his nostrils . "

  29. 贮存2~4年的凤兼浓酒,酸、酯、醇相对平衡稳定,酒体丰满,香味馥郁。

    Fen-Luzhou-flavor liquor , after 2 ~ 4 years storage , its acids , esters and alcohols had achieved relatively stable equilibrium , which resulted in well-developed liquor body and mellow liquor aroma .