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jiǔ jù
  • Wine set;drinking set/setting
酒具 [jiǔ jù]
  • [drinking vessel] 饮酒的器具,如酒壶、酒杯等

  1. 结论磁处理酒具有降低血清TC,升高血清HDLch、HDL2CH的作用。

    Conclusion Magnetic-field-treated liquor has an effect to decrease total cholesterol and increase HDL-CH and HDL 2-CH.

  2. 对于众多葡萄酒爱好者来说,“INVINOVERITAS”是一款非常实用却又同时注重品位的酒具系列。

    For many wine lovers , IN VINO VERITAS is a very practical and high taste wine sets .

  3. 还有些人喜欢阿马罗内(Amarone)或浓郁的仙粉黛葡萄酒(zinfandel),这两种酒具有浓郁的水果味,可能不是很干。

    Some people like Amarone or powerful zinfandels , wines that are richly fruity and maybe not quite dry .

  4. 结果,这就是这套酒具的来历。

    And , uh * That 's our baccarat story .

  5. 青梅酒具有三大功效,第一就是能调节肠胃功能。

    Plum wine has three effects , the first is to regulate gastrointestinal functions .

  6. 传统青铜酒具造型与装饰纹样的适合研究

    The Relationship Research between Character and Decorative Pattern of the Traditional Bronze Drinking Vessels

  7. 就是为什么酒吧酒具富有魅力--半透明才吸引人而不是透明,或者不透明。

    It 's why barware is glamorous . Glamour is translucent not transparent , not opaque .

  8. 这种酒具有防止酒的酸败、促进酒的澄清作用。

    Such millet sprout wine had the function of preventing wine rancidity and accelerating wine clarification .

  9. 他很喜欢给每个新来的女仆谈谈这门酒具陈列的艺术。

    He took no little satisfaction in telling each mary , shortly after she arrived , something of what the art of the thing required .

  10. 产品种类覆盖面高,主要有耐热砂锅、灯饰灯座、日韩套装餐具酒具、欧美咖啡杯碟、卫浴组合、宾馆酒店高档用瓷等几百个系列。

    Our main products include : beat-proof casserole , decoration lighting , tableware , coffee cup and saucer , bathroom accessories , hotels porcelain , and so on .

  11. 其中包括酒与中国传统文化,异彩纷呈的传统酒具,酒包装中的不合理之处,以及酒类包装设计的新趋势。(四)、对青铜纹样在现代酒类包装设计中的应用做研究分析。

    Including wine and Chinese traditional culture , traditions wine set , the unreasonable of wine packaging , and new trends in wine packaging design . ( 4 ) bronze patterns in modern packaging design .

  12. 传统青铜酒具是特定历史时期的特定产物,通过其造型和装饰纹样能够折射出特定的历史内涵和文化,具有鲜明的时代特征。

    Traditional bronze drinking vessels is a particular product of a specific historical period , through its character and decorative pattern it could reflect a specific historical and cultural meaning with a sharping character of that time .

  13. 结果表明:红枣酒实验组小鼠血清总胆固醇和甘油三脂均较高血脂对照组明显下降,说明红枣酒具有降血脂保健作用;高密度脂蛋白含量两组无显著差异,其机理有待进一步研究。

    The results showed : the content of TC and TG of the Jujube wine group decreased significantly than the model group , so the jujube wine has the function of decreasing blood lipids ; About the content of HDL-C , it needs further study . 5 .