
  • 网络good wine needs no bush;Sell themselves;bon vin point d'enseigne
  1. 正如那句老话所说:“酒香不怕巷子深。”

    B : Just as the old saying goes , “ Good wine needs no brush . ”

  2. 我发明的产品如此之好,不需要广告宣传,就像酒香不怕巷子深一样。

    e.g. The product I 've invented is so excellent that it needs no ad campaign , just as good wine needs no bush .

  3. 而相反的是,酒香不怕巷子深。

    Wine is also afraid of deep alley .

  4. 酒香不怕巷子深的老理儿再次应验楼市,真正红得发紫的,不是公众楼盘,而是那些几乎不宣传就被周边“土着”、业内人士哄抢的现象。

    Her wines are deep-old truth once again come true market , a real red empurple , not public property , but almost no information on those who were peripheral " indigenous ", the industry loot phenomenon .

  5. 随着办学体制的多元化,教育行业面临着更加严峻的竞争,酒香不怕巷子深已经不再适应市场经济的发展。

    With the diversification of school-running system , the education industry is facing more severe competition . The old Chinese saying ' the high quality wine can sell well even if it is in an alley ' can no longer meet the need of the development of market economy .