
  • 网络liquor market
  1. 浅谈白酒市场动态的认识与企业对策

    Realizing the Situation in the Liquor Market and the Enterprises Strategy

  2. 目前,台湾的白酒市场看好,洋河正积极准备进入台湾市场。

    Currently , Yanghe Group is preparing for the entry to the booming liquor market in Taiwan .

  3. 其次,对LC在生命周期的各个阶段实施的营销策略进行阐述,接着介绍了抚顺中低档白酒市场的状况并LC的竞争对手进行了全面的分析。

    Second , it elaborates the marketing strategies that employed in every stage of LC life circle and then introduces the middle-and-low market situation in Fushun .

  4. 净化、整合白酒市场;(3)纯净化;

    Further optimization of liquor markets ; ( 3 ) purifying ;

  5. 白酒市场营销如何突破发展瓶颈的研究

    Research on How to Breakthrough the Bottleneck of Marketing of Liquor

  6. 现代名优白酒市场营销策略选择的研究

    Studies on the Choice of Marketing Strategies on the Modern Famous Liquor

  7. 新疆白酒市场浅析

    The Analysis of Spirits Market in Xinjiang

  8. 陕西太白酒市场受青睐

    Taibai Liquor Popular in the Market

  9. 沉寂中透出理性的思考&1999年中国白酒市场简析

    The Rational Consideration in Quietness - An analysis of China 's White Spirit Market in 1999

  10. 我国高端白酒市场潜力分析及品牌群落结构解析

    Survey of Market Potential and Elementary Study of Zoology of High-End White Wine Market in Our Country

  11. 根据白酒市场的消费特点和竞争状况,发现白酒区域消费特征明显。

    The characteristic of wine regional consumption is obvious because of the consumption trait and competitive in wine market .

  12. 同时,迪阿吉奥和保乐力加等饮料巨头表示,中国政府大力推动的反奢侈浪费运动已经让中国白酒市场遭受重创。

    Meanwhile , beverage giants including Diageo and Pernod Ricard have said an anti-extravagance campaign backed by the government that has hurt the liquor industry .

  13. 当下,我国白酒市场的竞争越来越激烈,已经有部分企业意识到做好供应链管理对企业的发展意义重大。

    The competition in Liquor market has become increasingly fierce nowadays . Some enterprises have realized the importance of good supply chain management on enterprise development .

  14. 因此,如何能使占白酒市场主要份额的低度白酒质量稳定已成为酿酒业界亟待解决的一大技术难题。

    Low alcohol liquor is becoming main body of the world liquor market today , so how to make it more stable has become a technical problem under solving .

  15. 当前白酒市场竞争激烈,生命周期变短,竞品增多,竞争已经成为近来白酒市场营销面临的主要问题。

    Currently , with fierce competition and shortened life cycles as well as the increased competitive products , competition has become a major problem in the recent wine marketing .

  16. 其次在对国内外的白酒市场现状进行分析的基础上,寻找炎帝圣泉酒容器包装设计的突破口。

    Secondly , based on the analysis of status quo of Liquor Industry at home and abroad , a breakthrough is to be sought to design the packaging of liquor vessel of Yandi Quan .

  17. 面对白酒市场激烈的竞争局面,搞好企业采购管理工作对于企业稳定生产、控制成本、提高质量以及保持持续性赢利至关重要。

    With the intense market competition of Chinese liquor , it is vital for an enterprise of Chinese liquor to enhance its purchasing management for the sake of stable production , cost control , quality improvement , and sustainable profitability .

  18. 在当前白酒市场竞争如此激烈的状况下,中小白酒企业以自身的资源进行自我调整的速度已远远赶不上市场变化的速度,更无法响应市场需求。

    Because the current wine market competition is so fierce , The speed of Medium-sized and mini-sized wine enterprises self-adjustment by their own resource is far lower than of the markets changing , not more timely responses to market demand .

  19. 当今的白酒市场竞争,仅靠单一的优势竞争是不现实的,必须整合各种竞争优势因素来提高竞争能力,才能取得全面的、长久的、可持续的发展。

    However , it was unrealistic for distilleries to keep the leading roles in the cutthroat competition in liquor market only depending on single competitive advantage . In order to realize long-term and sustainable development , distilleries must integrate various competitive advantages to improve their competitiveness .

  20. 白酒销售市场的竞争状况及竞争结构分析;

    The analysis on the situation and structure of competition in the sale market of the spirit .

  21. 据不完全统计,在甘肃白酒消费市场上,各类白酒品种达2000种之多,全国各地名酒在甘肃都有一定的市场份额。

    According to incomplete statistics , there are totally 2,000 kinds of liquor in Gansu liquor consumption market , and almost all the Chinese famous liquor has certain market share in Gansu market .

  22. 国家级白酒评委与市场营销关系研讨会取得共识

    Agreement Achieved in Symposium on the Correlations of National Liquor Assessment Commission and Market Promotion

  23. 作为白酒行业高端市场的龙头,五粮液公司的成长,见证了中国白酒行业的迅猛发展。

    As the faucet of the Liquor Industry of China , Wuliangye witnesses the development .

  24. 对白酒品牌与市场的思考

    Thought of Liquor Brands and Market

  25. 21世纪以来,我国白酒企业在市场竞争的格局下发生了巨大的变化。

    The 21st century , our country liquor business in the pattern of competition in the market has undergone tremendous changes .

  26. 笔者通过两个不同案例的研究,深入分析了我国目前白酒企业在市场营销理念及营销渠道建设上存在的各种问题与产生原因,提出了自己的观点。

    By researching two different cases , author analyses deeply white wine enterprise ' logos in marketing and other different kinds of questions on construction of marketing pipeline . Then he finds reasons for these problems and brings out his own viewpoint .

  27. YC白酒公司新产品市场推广研究

    Study on New Product-Popularization of YC Liquor Company

  28. 中小白酒企业的区域市场营销与管理

    Marketing and Management of Regional Market for Medium-scale and Small-scale Liquor Enterprises

  29. 知己知彼科学布阵&从D公司的营销策略看白酒如何在福建市场运作

    The Spirit Marketing in FuJian

  30. 希望在本论文写作过程中所用到的一些分析方法和思路能对别的白酒生产企业制定市场营销策略起到一定的借鉴作用。

    Hope that some analytical methods and trains of thought used in the course of this thesis writing can play a certain reference role to other white alcohol manufacturing enterprises making the strategy of marketing .