
jiǔ huì
  • reception;cocktail party;drink;wine party
酒会 [jiǔ huì]
  • [cocktail party] 形式较简单、用酒和点心待客的宴会,不用排席次,客人到场、退场都较自由

酒会[jiǔ huì]
  1. 这次酒会办得相当成功。

    The cocktail party passed off well .

  2. 当我参加学术酒会时,

    When I go to an academic cocktail party

  3. 这些天,我多半都是在酒会上晃悠过去的。

    These days much of my time is spent weaving my way around drinks parties

  4. 酒会什么时候开始?

    When does the party take place ?

  5. 我怕喝多了酒会失仪。

    I am afraid I might forget myself in my cups .

  6. 他为了参加你的酒会而冒充你的这位朋友。

    He impersonated this friend of yours in order to come to your party .

  7. 很少有分析师像梅奥这样,从不主动巴结他理应亲近的银行高管(明星分析师出席CEO主办的奢华酒会和私人晚宴,并非什么稀罕事)。

    Mayo , 48 , convincingly shows himself to be pretty punk rock among sell side analysts .

  8. 喝两杯以上的酒会阻碍REM睡眠(快速动眼睡眠),而REM睡眠对记忆和健康很重要。

    Just two drinks or more cut REM sleep , which is important for memory and health .

  9. 一切都很好,直到酒会的时候,当乐队停止奏乐,让DJ放音乐。

    Everything went fine until the reception , when the band stopped playing to give the DJ a turn .

  10. 但他如今已转投老东家杰尼亚(Zegna),他离开后,伯鲁提的主家路威酩轩(LVMH)决定举办一场泳池酒会。

    He has headed back to his old home of Zegna , and in his absence owners LVMH decided to throw a pool party .

  11. 西装的纽扣是用18K黄金和钻石制成的。它将被运送到出席伦敦市中心的一个酒会的买家手里。

    The suit , which has 18-carat gold and diamond buttons , is due to be delivered to its buyer at a central London party .

  12. 为运动员和商务人士提供咨询服务的运动心理学顾问约瑟芬•佩里博士(JosephinePerry)表示:“人们在一次六小时的骑行中可以更加轻松自在地进行社交,不像在酒会上强行拉关系。这样子尴尬感会少很多。”

    Dr Josephine Perry , a sport psychology consultant who advises sport professionals and business people , says : " People network in a much freer way on a six-hour bike ride than if it 's something that is forced upon you like a drinks reception . It 's much less awkward . "

  13. 欢迎各位出席民政事务局庚寅年新春酒会。

    Welcome to the spring reception of the Home Affairs Bureau .

  14. 酒会是最简单的,因为要离开很容易。

    A drinks party is straightforward , as leaving is easy .

  15. 所以说慈善拍卖能举行开幕酒会是有原因的。

    There 's a reason charity auctions have an open bar .

  16. 您上周的展览开幕酒会非常成功。

    Your exhibition opened last week and was a huge success .

  17. 阿尔诺和香港所有的这些知名人士一起参加了酒会。

    Arnault arrives with all these famous people from Hong Kong .

  18. 一件闪光或享有宝石的上衣,或一件酒会小礼服。

    A sparkly or jewel-tone sleeveless top , or a cocktail dress

  19. 我并不贪喝,但是酒会把人弄糊涂的。

    I do not love it but it benumbs the senses .

  20. 今晚你能抽空来参加我们的酒会,真是太好了。

    How nice you can manage to attend our party this evening !

  21. 总督府中不时举行正式酒会。

    At intervals formal receptions were held at the governor 's mansion .

  22. 对,我的朋友们还办了一个酒会。

    Yes , my friends are having a wine party .

  23. 酒会还会持续一段时间。

    This thing is gonna be going on for a little while .

  24. 我不敢说这酒会够整个晚会用。

    I doubt if this wine will last for the whole party .

  25. 那瓶酒会不小心的从你手里滑掉。

    As you do , the bottie wiII siip from your hands .

  26. 艺术家将会出席开幕酒会。

    The artist will be present at the opening reception .

  27. 还是我办的那些酒会马球比赛和节日庆典

    or over cocktails at polo matches and galas that I hosted ?

  28. 我明晚会举办一个慈善拍卖酒会

    I 'm hosting a charity wine auction tomorrow night .

  29. 艺术家将在开幕酒会中为新书签名。

    The artist will be signing the book at the opening reception .

  30. 我很想参加,不过,这个酒会的目的是什么呀?

    I 'd love to , but what 's the party for ?