
  • Kimura;wood
  1. 木村武之和他成为了真正的忘年交。木村成了他武术学校的第一个助理教练,即坐落于西雅图的振藩国术馆

    Taky Kimura was really his best friend.Taky became his first assistant instructor in his first school , the Jun Fan Kung Fu Institute , in Seattle , Washington .

  2. 当前的地震预测还局限于震前几秒钟的预警。木村相信,新的地震将发生在伊豆群岛,震级9.0级。

    Current earthquake prediction is limited to a few seconds of warning.Kimura believes that the new earthquake will begin in the Izu Islands and will be a magnitude 9.0 .

  3. 以其姓名命名的“木村法”地震早期预测法分为四步,而地震眼只是其中的一部分。这也是目前使用的唯一一种地震早期预测法,但尚未经过科学界的检验。

    Earthquake eyes are a portion of his four-step , short-term earthquake prediction method dubbed the " Kimura method . " It is currently the only early earthquake prediction method in use , yet it has not been well tested by his scientific peers .

  4. 木吉村矿田由木吉村,浮图峪等七个中小型矿床组成,是河北最重要的铜矿集中区。

    Muji village orefield is composed of seven middle small scale deposits , and is the most important concentration area of copper deposits in Hebei .

  5. 所以木尼雅帕前往村里的借贷处。

    So Munniyappa goes to the village money lender .