
  1. 不仅俗世之人向往神仙世界,就连大自然中的花鸟木兽也倾仙慕道,积极主动地寻求度脱之路,渴望出家入道,成为仙界中人。

    Not only the people want the world of the immortals , even nature of flowers and birds wood out of the way for the beast also , actively seek degrees off the road , eager to trade became a monk , become celestial middleman .

  2. 如果没有太阳,地球是到处是黑暗,到处是寒冷,没有风、雪、雨、露,没有草、木、鸟、兽,自然也不会有人。

    Without the sun , the earth is everywhere is dark , everywhere is cold , no wind , snow and rain , the dew , no grass , wood , birds and beasts , nature also won 't someone .