
  • 网络drag racing;CTRacer;cbr
  1. 她此前以因飚车而被吊销了驾驶执照。

    She was ticketed for misdemeanor driving with a suspended license .

  2. 操作感革新,玩家能体验完全不一样的飚车手感。

    Operation sense innovation , players can experience completely different racing feel .

  3. 我大部分的钱都花在了养鸟、饮酒和飚车上。

    I spent most of my money on birds , booze and fast cars .

  4. 警察说当时看到她开着蓝色的宾利敞篷车飚车,同时车前灯也没有开。

    Police said they saw her blue Bentley Continental GTC speeding with its headlights off .

  5. 那些飚车族打哪儿来?

    Where did that motorcyclist come from ?

  6. 要是喜欢飚车,那就登上布加迪的超速快车吧,它可以呼啸而过,时速达252英里!

    If going fast is your thing , climb into Bugatti 's superfast car that can zip along at252 miles per hour !

  7. 飚车型危险驾驶罪是必要的共同犯罪,由此方能与严重超速的行政违法行为相区别。

    Dangerous joyriding is a necessary common crime , and this makes it different from severe speeding which is an administrative malfeasance .

  8. 但是这个宴会开始前不久,就有人发现威廉王子飚车穿过某人的庄园,真的开得非常快,后来查尔斯王子也不得不就此事替他做出道歉。

    But shortly before this party , William was found speeding through the estate of somebody and going quite fast , and Prince Charles had to make apologies for him .

  9. 但是本文认为醉酒驾车和飚车行为只是造成交通事故的原因之一,其他的危险驾驶行为,才是造成交通事故的主因。

    But the paper insists that the behavior of drunk driving and racing is just one of the reasons causing traffic accidents , and the most important reason for traffic accidents is dangerous driving .
