
  • 网络PETRONAS;petroliam nasional berhad;Petroliam Nasional Bhd
  1. 马来西亚国家石油公司已证明自己是负责任的贸易伙伴和投资者,阻止该公司收购进步能源公司的举动让人难以理解。

    Petronas has proved itself a responsible trading partner and investor , and the objections to it are difficult to understand .

  2. 目前还不清楚,马来西亚国家石油公司为何愿意以低于市场主流的价格向中海油出售液化天然气,但它可能表明了中马两国之间更为长期的关系。

    It is not clear why Petronas would agree to sell LNG to CNOOC at a price below the prevailing market rate , but it may signify a longer-term relationship between the countries .

  3. 中海油表示,该公司对加拿大政府有关马来西亚国家石油公司与Progress交易的决定无可奉告。

    Cnooc said the company had no comment about the Canadian decision on Petronas-Progress .

  4. 如果马来西亚国家石油公司对Progress的收购最终被加拿大政府否决,其它大型国际公司可能会感兴趣。

    If the Petronas acquisition of Progress is finally blocked by the Canadian government , other large international companies are likely to be interested .

  5. 缅甸通过道达尔(Total)和马来西亚国家石油公司(Petronas)运营的管道,向泰国出口天然气。该国统治者如何利用此项收入也受到严密审查。

    How Burma 's rulers use the revenues from natural gas exports to Thailand through pipelines operated by Total and Petronas is also under scrutiny .

  6. 至于其它煤层气液化天然气开发计划,英国天然气集团与中国中海油(CNOOC)、澳大利亚Santos与马来西亚国家石油公司已经纷纷建立合作关系。

    Of the other planned coal bed methane LNG developments , BG has tied up with CNOOC of China , and Santos of Australia with Petronas .

  7. 道达尔原计划联手马来西亚国家石油公司(Petronas),开发伊朗南帕斯气田第11期工程,并且在昨日之前一直坚称,它尚未决定放弃该项目。

    Together with Malaysia 's Petronas , Total was due to develop phase 11 of the South Pars field and had until yesterday maintained it had not decided to drop its interest in the project .

  8. 马来西亚国家石油公司发展战略与管理

    PETRONAS Development Strategy and Management Malaysia 's National Oil Company

  9. 乍得总统伊德里斯·代比昨日宣布,由于没有按政府规定纳税,美国雪佛龙石油公司和马来西亚国家石油公司将被驱逐。

    Chad 's President Idriss Deby Itno ordered the foreign oil firms ChevronTexaco and Petronas to leave the country from Sunday for non-payment of taxes .