
  1. 这部小说文学史上从未提及。

    The novel has received no mention in any history of literature .

  2. 丁玲小说文学语言的生成机制

    The producing Mechanism of Ding Ling 's Literary Language

  3. 叙述学和文体学跨学科的研究能补充和完善小说文学意义的阐释。

    The interdisciplinary research of narratology and stylistics can perfect the explanations of literary meanings of the novel .

  4. 她的小说得到文学评论家们的高度评价。

    Her novel is highly regarded by literary critics .

  5. 我们认为他的小说属于文学类。

    We classified his novels as serious literature .

  6. 中国近代翻译小说及其文学意义

    On Modern Chinese Translation of Foreign Fiction and Its Literary Significance

  7. 小说是文学体裁四分法中的一大样式。

    Novel is one of the four types of literature .

  8. 重读王朔小说反思文学观念

    Rereading WANG Shuo 's Novel and Reconsidering Literature Idea

  9. 唐代文言小说与文学制作意识

    The Tang novels and the sense of literary creation

  10. 论王蒙小说的文学空间

    On the Literary Space in Wang Meng 's Novels

  11. 《冷血》与非虚构小说报告文学与纪实小说的区别与界定

    The Definition and Distinction of Reportage and Nonfiction Novel

  12. 你认为他的小说属于文学美还是属于通俗美?

    Would you classify her novels as serious literature or as easy entertainment ?

  13. 审视和研究二者发展进程及其相互关系,对于探寻晚清社会历史的本相,认识近代小说的文学史价值,应有丰富的意义。

    It has rich significance to study on the relationship and influence between them .

  14. 武侠小说与文学雅俗之分的文化机制

    On the Cultural Mechanism between the Refinement and the Earthliness in the Chivalry Novels

  15. 梁斌小说的文学意义

    Literary Significance of Liang Bin 's Novels

  16. 20世纪60年代,非虚构小说的文学样式在美国发展起来。

    Non-fiction rose in America of 1960 's.

  17. 先在的主题,严密的构思,使小说的文学审美价值大打折扣。

    The predetermined theme and concise structure reduce the novel 's aesthetic value to a discount .

  18. 这种象征意义的多元性渗透在诗词、小说等文学领域,以及民间习俗、社会文化等各个方面。

    The multi-symbolic meaning has permeated into the area of literature , folk customs and social culture .

  19. 论清代仿《聊斋》派传奇小说的文学观试论清末民初社会言情小说的时代思想

    On the Qing Dynasty 's Literary Concept of the Legendary Novel Modeled after " Strange Stories "

  20. 第四章对科幻小说的文学价值进行审美批评与建构。

    The forth chapter criticizes and establishes the literature values of science fiction from an aesthetic angle .

  21. 许多学者对这部小说从文学、文体学、社会学等角度进行了详细的探讨,成绩斐然。

    Many scholars investigated the novel from the literature , the style and the society point of views .

  22. 它曾被称为简洁非小说类文学作品、精华非小说类文学作品、微短文以及迷你回忆录。

    It has been called concise literary nonfiction , compressed nonfiction , the micro-essay , and the mini-memoir .

  23. 短篇非小说类文学作品体裁在过去几年也经历过相似的身份危机。

    The short nonfiction genre has been going through a similar identity crisis for the past few years .

  24. 通俗小说的文学地位得到很大的提升和认同,其文学理论日趋成熟。

    The literature statues of the popular fictions rose and was identified and its literature theory also became mature .

  25. 这是我所找到的这个时期,小说和文学通常引人注目,的原因之一。

    This is part of what I find so compelling about fiction and literature in general in this period .

  26. 然而对于转述引语的早期研究大多局限于小说等文学作品,且传统研究着重描述直接引语和间接引语之间的纯粹机械性的形式转换。

    However the early studies on speech reporting are restricted to the domain of grammar study and literary study .

  27. 微型非小说类文学作品指很短的一段非小说类文学作品的片段,通常包含几十到几百个字。

    N. A very short literary nonfiction piece , typically consisting of a few dozen to a few hundred words .

  28. 既提出学习外国小说的文学思想,又倡导继承古代小说的优良传统。

    He also expresses the idea of learning from foreign literary thought , and advocates the tradition of succeeding the novels .

  29. 在此基础上,从这一视角如何把握叙事与事实、小说与文学历史的关系;

    On this basis , how to understand relation between narration and fact , novel and literary history from this view ;

  30. 历史小说是文学创作的一种重要体裁。

    Historical fiction , as one of the most important literary genres , is the favorite of writers in modern Japan .